


Tanya je obetavá žena, ktorá tvrdo pracuje, aby sa postarala o svojho manžela - bývalého vrcholového športovca, ktorý je na invalidnom dôchodku. Všetko je v poriadku až do chvíle, keď zistí, že jej muž má tajné konto s veľkým množstvom peňazí, o ktoré sa však nechce deliť... (oficiální text distributora)


The Big Squeeze

The Big Squeeze

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: Citadel Records

Rok: 1996

Země: USA

Formát: CD

Stopáž: 51:04

1. Main Title Mark Mothersbaugh 03:16
2. "Boom, Boom, Boom" - The Iguanas 04:18
3. Grand Theft Mark Mothersbaugh 01:16
4. Henry In The Crowd Mark Mothersbaugh 02:16
5. "Nuevo Boogaloo" - The Iguanas 04:05
6. It's Lost Forever Mark Mothersbaugh 02:57
7. It's Been Awhile Since I Drove Mark Mothersbaugh 00:39
8. Push It On Jesse Mark Mothersbaugh 01:05
9. Tree Draggin' Mark Mothersbaugh 01:31
10. Unchhh Mark Mothersbaugh 00:33
11. "Come A Little Bit Closer" - The Iguanas And Cesar Rosas 03:46
12. Lampshade Ninny Mark Mothersbaugh 02:36
13. Oh, Jesus Mark Mothersbaugh 00:54
14. M F Bus Mark Mothersbaugh 01:43
15. Boomp Mark Mothersbaugh 00:38
16. Turned Down Mark Mothersbaugh 00:43
17. Save The Mission Mark Mothersbaugh 01:00
18. "Crimson And Clover" - The Iguanas And Cesar Rosas 03:34
19. Back In A Minute Mark Mothersbaugh 00:36
20. Nothing's Too Good Mark Mothersbaugh 00:50
21. Flowering Tree Mark Mothersbaugh 01:18
22. Money Bag Mark Mothersbaugh 00:34
23. Theft / Extra Income Mark Mothersbaugh 01:40
24. A Miracle Mark Mothersbaugh 00:43
25. The Big Squeeze (M.T. Alt-Mix) Mark Mothersbaugh 03:16
26. Rotten Scondrel / Hey Stranger Mark Mothersbaugh 01:03
27. "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You" - The Iguanas And Cesar Rosas 04:14

