

Gangy z Birminghamu

  • Česko Peaky Blinders – Gangy z Birminghamu (více)
Trailer 3
Velká Británie, (2013–2022), 35 h 3 min (Minutáž: 55–81 min)


Steven Knight


Cillian Murphy, Sam Neill, Helen McCrory, Iddo Goldberg, Annabelle Wallis, Andy Nyman, Harry Kirton, Paul Anderson, Joe Cole, Natasha O'Keeffe, Hugh O'Brien (více)
(další profese)

VOD (1)

Série(6) / Epizody(36)

Veleúspěšná gangsterská sága vás přenese do Birminghamu 20. let minulého století. Rozvětvená rodina Shelbyových založí obávaný gang nazývaný Peaky Blinders. Jejich jméno odkazuje na zvyk nosit žiletky na svých kloboucích, což mnohé napovídá. Seriál vám představí krutou, krvavou, ale bezpochyby působivou kapitolu moderních britských dějin.
Výpravná gangsterská rodinná sága se skvělým obsazením včetně Cilliana Murphyho, Sama Neilla, Helen McCroryové, Annabelle Wallisové, Paula Andersona, Iddo Goldberga a Charlieho Creed-Milese. Obsazen byl i spisovatel a rastafariánský básník Benjamin Zephaniah. Příběh podle Stevena Knighta začíná v roce 1919 v chudých čtvrtích poválečného Birminghamu, kde žádné zákony neplatí. Navrátilci z války, noví revolucionáři a zločinecké bandy, ti všichni bojují o přežití v průmyslovém prostředí, které se zmítá uprostřed dramatických hospodářských změn. Zbraně propašované ze zákopů se dostávají do ulic a kdo je má, nezdráhá se je použít. Zatímco Churchill mobilizuje své jednotky zvláštního oddělení, ilegální bookmakeři vydělávají jmění v nelegálních sázkových kancelářích a traumatizovaní infanteristé zapíjejí svůj granátový šok v hlučných hospodách. Na okrajích má město stále ještě vlídnější tvář, tam cikáni a loďkaři obchodují s koňmi a věští budoucnost, avšak na vrcholu této průmyslové džungle se usazuje rozvětvená rodina Shelbyových, jejíž četní sourozenci, bratranci a strýcové tvoří ten nejkrutější gang ze všech - 'Peaky Blinders'. Svůj název si vysloužili zašíváním žiletek do kšiltů svých čepic a peníze vydělávají sázkami mimo závodiště, vybíráním výpalného a loupežemi. (Filmbox)


Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (29)

Gangy z Birminghamu (2013) 

"He looked at me the wrong way. It's not a good idea to look at Tommy Shelby the wrong way." ()

Série 1 (2013) (S01) 

"I think, Arthur. That's what I do. I think. So that you don't have to." ()

Epizoda 1 (2013) (S01E01) 

"Babies discarded with the fish bones and eggshells. Girls, 11 years old pierced and punctured by old men for thruppence a time! Rutted upon like animals! Degradation. Fathers with their daughters, brothers and sisters sharing beds. Beggars and thieves left to run in the streets. And astride the whole stinking pile of wounds and rotten flesh your masters! The men who you touch your cap to. The Peaky Blinders! The vicious merciless gangs who blind those that see and cut out the tongues of those who talk. You are worse than them! Those of you who have taken their bribes these years since the war, those of you who look the other way, you are worse than them! God damn you for soiling your uniforms! And then there are the IRA Fenians and the Communists. Blacker hearts still. They feed on the puss of all this corruption like maggots in a corpse. And like maggots, if left to swell they will eventually swarm like flies and spread their rotten philosophy across the country and across the world! Those then are our enemies! A three-headed beast. It is my job to decapitate each one and by God I will do it! I don't trust any of yous until you earn my trust! And that takes some earning. These are the new men who will bolster your ranks. Good men from God-fearing families. By the time the sun sets, they will be sworn in and in uniform. And by sunrise tomorrow, they will be on the streets. God help those who stand in our way!" ()

Epizoda 2 (2013) (S01E02) 

"Rule one, you don't punch above your weight." ()


Epizoda 3 (2013) (S01E03) 

"Lies travel faster than the truth." ()

Epizoda 4 (2013) (S01E04) 

"I think our friends are playing the game. Erasmus Lee was in France. When we gave up ground to the Germans we'd leave behind booby traps, set up with wires. And we'd leave wire cutters as part of the joke. Somewhere in here there's a hand grenade." ()

Epizoda 5 (2013) (S01E05) 

"Every finger, Mr Shelby, every finger in this city, points in one direction. Please don't mistake me for a fool. Let me get to the point. I don't care what kind of half-arsed tinker operation you have going here. But I can assure you, I represent a very different category of organization. My cousin was shot. I am judge, jury and executioner. I find you guilty and I pass sentence. You deliver the guns to me or I deliver death and hell's fury to you and your little tribe of heathens. Am I making myself clear?" ()

Epizoda 6 (2013) (S01E06) 

"Now it is Tommy that has brought strength and power to this family. Because he knows... you have to be as bad as them above in order to survive." ()

Série 2 (2014) (S02) 

"The end of the rope has been this man's destiny since the night he was born." ()

Epizoda 1 (2014) (S02E01) 

"I am chosen? I'm chosen. Can the chosen one smoke?" ()

Epizoda 2 (2014) (S02E02) 

"Well rum's for fun and fucking, innit? So, whisky, now that is for business." ()

Epizoda 3 (2014) (S02E03) 

Arthur - Kids these days. Thomas - They didn't fight. So they're different. They stay kids. ()

Epizoda 4 (2014) (S02E04) 

"You want to fuck me, Mrs Carleton? Perhaps because I represent something to you? We should have this conversation before the booze starts talking for us." ()

Epizoda 5 (2014) (S02E05) 

"As my father used to make sure your dog obeys you, you have to show it the stick once in a while." ()

Epizoda 6 (2014) (S02E06) 

"My name is Thomas Shelby. And today, I'm going to kill a man. Today is Derby Day and the murder will take place this afternoon at the Epsom races. It may be that I am able to escape after the killing. The odds are not good. Which is why I'm writing this letter. I have been forced by agents of the crown to carry out this murder and in the event of my own death I want the following facts to be known. My family are innocent of any involvement. And while some of them may be guilty of other things, I have not shared details of this mission with any of them and no company assets were used. Agents of the crown have joined forces with the pro-treaty Fenians to arrange this murder. I believe the Government intend to falsely blame the anti-treaty IRA. Therefore, the bullet I fire this afternoon will be the starting gun for Civil War in Ireland. The man I have been instructed to kill is Field Marshall Russell, formerly a Black and Tan commander, who committed many atrocities in the county of Cork. There is no remorse in my heart at the prospect of his death. However, the conspiracy behind the killing is cause for international concern. Such is the gravity of my secret mission that after I have served my purpose, I believe they intend to kill me. I therefore want to name a particular individual in this letter. The agent who has initiated and orchestrated this crime is Major Chester Campbell of the British Secret Intelligence Service. He chose me for this dirty business as an act of vengeance, prompted by a hatred of long standing. In the event of my death, it is imperative he be brought to justice. If you are reading this, then I am dead already. I hope that living, as you do, in a truly free country, you will be able to make the above facts known to the world. Yours sincerely, Thomas Shelby." ()

Série 3 (2016) (S03) 

"The only way to guarantee peace is by making the prospect of war seem hopeless. If you apologise once, you do it again and again and again. Like taking bricks out of the wall of your fucking house. Do you want to bring the house down? If you're soft on rebellion, it'll grow." ()

Epizoda 1 (2016) (S03E01) 

"You got the order the same as us. You can do it. Until further notice no fraternising with the foreigners." ()

Epizoda 2 (2016) (S03E02) 

"Politics is deliberately making things better for some people by deliberately making them worse for others." ()

Epizoda 3 (2016) (S03E03) 

"All religion is a foolish answer to a foolish question." ()

Epizoda 4 (2016) (S03E04) 

"If you don't like something, you say stop and it stops. Hm? But you are afraid of it. You break the law, but you obey the rules. Why? Did you know that madness sets you free? Otherwise, we're just peasants obeying the law. There is madness inside your head, too. I can see that." ()

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