

Akta X

  • USA The X-Files (více)
Trailer 7
Drama / Horor / Thriller / Mysteriózní / Sci-Fi / Komedie
USA / Kanada, (1993–2018), 162 h 42 min (Minutáž: 42–86 min)


Chris Carter


Mark Snow


Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Mitch Pileggi, Robert Patrick, Annabeth Gish, William B. Davis, Tom Braidwood, Bruce Harwood, Dean Haglund, Nicholas Lea (více)
(další profese)

VOD (1)

Série(11) / Epizody(217)

Pravda je tam venku a agenti FBI po ní v tomto fenomenálním sci-fi seriálu pátrají a pokoušejí se vysvětlit zdánlivě nevysvětlitelné. Jejich podivné případy se týkají sledování UFO, setkání s mimozemšťany a únosů… a prakticky všeho paranormálního. (Disney+)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (219)

Kolonie (1995) (S02E16) 

"I have lived with a fragile faith built on the ether of vague memories from an experience that I can neither prove nor explain. When I was twelve, my sister was taken from me, taken from our home by a force that I came to believe was extraterrestrial. What happened to me out on the ice has justified every belief. If I should die now, it would be with the certainty that my faith has been righteous. And if, through death, larger mysteries are revealed, I will have already learned the answer to the question that has driven me here... that there is intelligent life in the universe other than our own... that they are here among us... and that they have begun to colonize." ()

Konec hry (1995) (S02E17) 

"The men you've been seeking are the progeny of two original visitors, clones who have been attempting to establish a colony here since the late 1940's. It's their belief that our stewardship of the planet is being forsaken, and that by default, they'll someday become the natural heirs. " ()

Děsivá symetrie (1995) (S02E18) 

Man has no pre-eminence above a beast: for all is vanity. Eccl 3:19. ()

Mrtvolné ticho (1995) (S02E19) 

"I found a children's book of Norse legends. From what I can tell, the pictures show the end of the world - not in a sudden firestorm of damnation as the Bible teaches us, but in a slow covering blanket of snow. First the moon and the stars will be lost in a dense white fog, then the rivers and the lakes and the sea will freeze over. And finally a wolf named Skoll will open his jaws and eat the sun, sending the world into an everlasting night. I think I hear the wolf at the door." ()


Humbug (1995) (S02E20) 

"I could be mistaken. Maybe it was another bald-headed, jigsaw-puzzle-tattooed, naked guy I saw." ()

Kalusari (1995) (S02E21) 

"It's called vibuti - holy ash. Technically, it's known as an apport - something that materializes out of thin air. Vibuti is, uh, created during the presence of spirit beings, or during bilocation, which is, uh, a phenomenon where a person's energy is transported to a different location." ()

F. Emasculata (1995) (S02E22) 

"The F. Emasculata is a parasitoid, a bug that carries a parasite. In this case, a deadly parasite that attacks the immune system. The pustules are part of the natural reproductive cycle. They're full of the larvae that you see there in the scope." ()

Přítmí (1995) (S02E23) 

"On the videotape, Dr. Banton kept staring at the floor. I've been trying to figure out what he might have been looking at." ()

Naše město (1995) (S02E24) 

"Think about it. From vampirism to Catholicism, whether literally or symbolically, the reward for eating flesh is eternal life." ()

Anasazi (1995) (S02E25) 

"In the desert, things find a way to survive. Secrets are like this too. They push their way up through the sands of deception so men can know them." ()

Požehnaná cesta (1995) (S03E01) 

"There is an ancient Indian saying that something lives only as long as the last person who remembers it. My people have come to trust memory over history. Memory, like fire, is radiant and immutable while history serves only those who seek to control it, those who douse the flame of memory in order to put out the dangerous fire of truth. Beware these men for they are dangerous themselves and unwise. Their false history is written in the blood of those who might remember and of those who seek the truth." ()

Kancelářská spona (1995) (S03E02) 

"This man's name is Albert Hosteen. You should remember that." ()

D.P.O. (1995) (S03E03) 

"So, what are we supposed to charge him with, 'assaulting a cellular phone'?" ()

Poslední odpočinek Clydea Bruckmana (1995) (S03E04) 

"Well, you see, that's another reason I can't help you catch this guy. I might adversely affect the fate of the future. I mean, his next victim might be the mother of the daughter whose son invents the time machine. Then the son goes back in time and changes world history and then Columbus never discovers America, man never lands on the moon, the U.S. never invades Grenada. Or something less significant, resulting in the fact that my father never meets my mother and consequently, I'm never born." ()

Seznam (1995) (S03E05) 

"Every major world religion encompasses the idea of life after death. That means millions, even billions, of people believe in some kind of transmigration or rebirth of the soul." ()

2Shy (1995) (S03E06) 

"From a dry skin sample, you're concluding what, that he's some kind of a fat-sucking vampire?" ()

Procházka (1995) (S03E07) 

"Sometimes the only sane response to an insane world is insanity." ()

Hladomorna (1995) (S03E08) 

"I hate to say this, Mulder, but I think you just ran out of credibility."Jewel bola nadherna uz vtedy. ()

Nisei (1995) (S03E09) 

"Well, what do you expect for $29.95?" ()

731 (1995) (S03E10) 

"The ruler of the world is no longer the country with the bravest soldiers, but the greatest scientists." ()

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