Policejní odznak - Série 4 (2005) (série)
Shawn RyanRežie:
Guy FerlandScénář:
Scott RosenbaumKamera:
Rohn SchmidtHrají:
Michael Chiklis, Glenn Close, Catherine Dent, Walton Goggins, Michael Jace, Kenny Johnson, Jay Karnes, Benito Martinez, CCH Pounder, Cathy Cahlin Ryan, David Rees Snell, Michele Hicks, Michael Peña (více)VOD (1)
Recenze (1)
„Witnesses?“ „Oh, yeah, they're just falling all over themselves. Černoch vypína rap a 3/5 Strike teamu šlo konečne na pivo, bohužiaľ, debata je pracovná. Ronnie je opäť nekompromisný a odhodlaný na všetko, avšak necháva si priestor na to, aby niekto spravil robotu zaňho. Vic ako neformálny vodca a centrum spoločenského diania pomáha novej šéfke s prejavom a zbiera začudované a nenávistné pohľady ohľadom jeho nových kompetencií, síce rozmotať oaktuálny prípad vojny gangov nie je úplne jednoduché stíha sa však aj pripojiť ku Shaneovi a jeho kolegovi vo vyšetrovaní a presviedčať ho o spolupráci. Šéfka ukazuje nekompromisnosť a zmeny oproti Acevedovi a nie je ešte jasné, či to bude pre policajnú stanicu pozitívne alebo negatívne. Intrigy, akcia a kvalitná dráma, opäť v jednom balíku od The Shield. „Sherman's march through the hood.“ –„Trouble hits, these assholes always run one of two ways. To the pussy they're getting into or the pussy they came out of.“ -„Tough getting up with out a prison guard banging your cell door?“ „Roug h night.“ „Busy running a gang war, Antwon?“ „Too busy trying to find out what started it. Shootings scare away customers, huh? Slows down your drug trade?“ „Somebody's gotta keep the peace.“ „Trust me. I'm on top of it.“ „I'm sleeping better already. Why you here?“ „Figure out how we're gonna keep that peace. I don't know what they're warring about. If I did, maybe I could stop it, but I don't. „Today's the one day I don't give a shit whether you're Pablo Escobar or Bishop Tutu.“ –„ The Vice king strikes again. He could smell the sin out of a nun's crack.“„I learned from the best. It's all about the intel, brother. How you choose it, how you use it.“ –„Always separate your blood stains from your delicates, asshole.“ –„Only six months into our unflinching moral stand... already the results are devastatingly effective.“ –„What, Samuel Goldwyn meets Seymore Butts.“ -„Do you know what federal asset-forfeiture laws are?“„Skipped that course at Harvard, huh?“ –„Get assigned a simple robbery,cause a crime wave. Remind me never to put you guys on a murder case.“ ()