

Když ve městě Derry ve státě Maine začnou mizet děti, musí skupina mladých chlapců a děvčat čelit svým největším obavám v boji proti zlému klaunovi jménem Pennywise, jehož vražedná a násilnická historie se táhne napříč staletími. (Vertical Entertainment)




Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: WaterTower Music

Rok: 2017

Země: USA

Formát: CD

Stopáž: 01:27:00

Tracklist CD 1 Stopáž: 55:27
1. Every 27 Years Benjamin Wallfisch 02:36
2. Paper Boat Benjamin Wallfisch 01:55
3. Georgie, Meet Pennywise Benjamin Wallfisch 03:38
4. Derry Benjamin Wallfisch 02:24
5. River Chase Benjamin Wallfisch 02:09
6. Egg Boy Benjamin Wallfisch 02:44
7. Beverly Benjamin Wallfisch 01:20
8. Come Join The Clown, Eds Benjamin Wallfisch 01:20
9. You'll Float Too Benjamin Wallfisch 03:20
10. Shape Shifter Benjamin Wallfisch 01:42
11. Hockstetter Attack Benjamin Wallfisch 02:15
12. Haircut Benjamin Wallfisch 04:14
13. Derry History Benjamin Wallfisch 02:48
14. January Embers Benjamin Wallfisch 01:05
15. Saving Mike Benjamin Wallfisch 01:15
16. This Is Not A Dream Benjamin Wallfisch 02:08
17. Slideshow Benjamin Wallfisch 02:01
18. Georgie's Theme Benjamin Wallfisch 01:42
19. He Didn't Stutter Once Benjamin Wallfisch 01:33
20. 29 Neibolt Street Benjamin Wallfisch 04:17
21. Time To Float Benjamin Wallfisch 03:04
22. It's What It Wants Benjamin Wallfisch 01:19
23. You'll Die If You Try Benjamin Wallfisch 04:38
Tracklist CD 2 Stopáž: 31:33
1. Return To Neibolt Benjamin Wallfisch 02:31
2. Into The Well Benjamin Wallfisch 02:05
3. Pennywise's Tower Benjamin Wallfisch 01:48
4. Deadlights Benjamin Wallfisch 02:04
5. Searching For Stanley Benjamin Wallfisch 02:28
6. Saving Beverly Benjamin Wallfisch 03:36
7. Georgie Found Benjamin Wallfisch 01:53
8. Transformation Benjamin Wallfisch 00:58
9. Feed On Your Fear Benjamin Wallfisch 02:34
10. Welcome To The Losers Club Benjamin Wallfisch 03:05
11. Yellow Raincoat Benjamin Wallfisch 01:43
12. Blood Oath Benjamin Wallfisch 03:11
13. Kiss Benjamin Wallfisch 00:54
14. Every 27 Years (Reprise) Benjamin Wallfisch 02:07
15. Epilogue - The Pennywise Dance Benjamin Wallfisch 00:36


Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: WaterTower Music

Rok: 2017

Země: USA

Formát: digital

Stopáž: 01:27:00

1. Every 27 Years Benjamin Wallfisch 02:36
2. Paper Boat Benjamin Wallfisch 01:55
3. Georgie, Meet Pennywise Benjamin Wallfisch 03:38
4. Derry Benjamin Wallfisch 02:24
5. River Chase Benjamin Wallfisch 02:09
6. Egg Boy Benjamin Wallfisch 02:44
7. Beverly Benjamin Wallfisch 01:20
8. Come Join The Clown, Eds Benjamin Wallfisch 01:20
9. You'll Float Too Benjamin Wallfisch 03:20
10. Shape Shifter Benjamin Wallfisch 01:42
11. Hockstetter Attack Benjamin Wallfisch 02:15
12. Haircut Benjamin Wallfisch 04:14
13. Derry History Benjamin Wallfisch 02:48
14. January Embers Benjamin Wallfisch 01:05
15. Saving Mike Benjamin Wallfisch 01:15
16. This Is Not A Dream Benjamin Wallfisch 02:08
17. Slideshow Benjamin Wallfisch 02:01
18. Georgie's Theme Benjamin Wallfisch 01:42
19. He Didn't Stutter Once Benjamin Wallfisch 01:33
20. Neibolt Street Benjamin Wallfisch 04:17
21. Time To Float Benjamin Wallfisch 03:04
22. It's What It Wants Benjamin Wallfisch 01:19
23. You'll Die If You Try Benjamin Wallfisch 04:38
24. Return To Neibolt Benjamin Wallfisch 02:31
25. Into The Well Benjamin Wallfisch 02:05
26. Pennywise's Tower Benjamin Wallfisch 01:48
27. Deadlights Benjamin Wallfisch 02:04
28. Searching For Stanley Benjamin Wallfisch 02:28
29. Saving Beverly Benjamin Wallfisch 03:36
30. Georgie Found Benjamin Wallfisch 01:53
31. Transformation Benjamin Wallfisch 00:58
32. Feed On Your Fear Benjamin Wallfisch 02:34
33. Welcome To The Losers Club Benjamin Wallfisch 03:05
34. Yellow Raincoat Benjamin Wallfisch 01:43
35. Blood Oath Benjamin Wallfisch 03:11
36. Kiss Benjamin Wallfisch 00:54
37. Every 27 Years (Reprise) Benjamin Wallfisch 02:07
38. Epilogue - The Pennywise Dance Benjamin Wallfisch 00:36

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