


  • USA Lucifer
Trailer 2
Fantasy / Mysteriózní / Komedie
USA, (2016–2021), 72 h 44 min (Minutáž: 42–66 min)


Tom Kapinos


Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Kevin Alejandro, Scarlett Estevez, D.B. Woodside, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Rachael Harris, Aimee Garcia, Tricia Helfer, Kayla Ewell (více)
(další profese)

VOD (1)

Série(6) / Epizody(93)


Když se Pán pekel začne nudit, přestěhuje se do Los Angeles, otevře si tu noční klub a seznámí se s detektivem z oddělení vražd. (Netflix)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (61)

Vegas s hvězdičkou (2017) (S03E06) 

8-0-0-8 :D "Bluffing and lying are two totally different things." ()

Mimo záznam (2017) (S03E07) 

"So, someone's killing charlatans. Ah. The worst kind of scum. Next to boy bands. All three victims had trace amounts of the exact same poison in their system. The Completely Justified Killer of Phonies. If that's what you name him, I want credit." ()

Chloe dělá Lucifera (2017) (S03E08) 

"Dealing with mortality was so much easier when I was just another clueless idiot. Being a celestial insider really sucks. I used to walk around thinking maybe reincarnation was real. Sure, it sounded bonkers, but I could still wonder, still hope. What if I came back as a chameleon or something? Chameleons are cool." ()

Sinnerman (2017) (S03E09) 

"I'd never stop granting favors, Detective. I mean, I may have gotten distracted for a while, but then I realized granting favors defines me. I mean, you wouldn't ask Superman not to fly? A Kardashian not to selfie?" ()

Nádoba hříchu (2017) (S03E10) 

"Nice to see you all again. What? Too soon?" ()

Město andělů? (2018) (S03E11) 

Amenadiel - What, there's no music in hell? Lucifer Morningstar - Only for torture, and usually out of tune. Lately we've been playing music by this chap named Bieber. Gosh, you should hear the screams. ()

Jen ona (2018) (S03E12) 

"You need to get a thicker skin. Stand up for yourself, because the truth is, nobody's gonna do it for you." ()

Dokud nás smrt nerozdělí (2018) (S03E13) 

"How am I supposed to solve the mystery of how to kill you if I don't understand you first? Your strengths, your weaknesses. Because everyone has a Kryptonite, Lieutenant." ()

Péče o bráchu (2018) (S03E14) 

"Ah, the diamond industry. Truly the greatest trick someone other than me played on the world. Thousands of dollars for lumps of old coal. Incredible." ()

Sraz ze střední (2018) (S03E15) 

"I know what you guys are thinking. She's a synthetic. Aliens. The android who bled white. No one? Really?" ()

Pekelný pokusný králík (2018) (S03E16) 

"My brother is in Hell? I knew it. Do you know how many times I've tried to tell people Abel is the asshat? No one ever believes me." ()

Ať to pako zazpívá! (2018) (S03E17) 

"I am not afraid. Just realized I've been a tad myopic lately. Why not spread the love? I mean, everyone deserves a little Lucifer. After me." ()

Poslední zlomené srdce (2018) (S03E18) 

"Mom? Mom?! I can't believe it's you. Uh, Lucifer said that you were gone, that-that he used the Flaming Sword and sent you into another universe. What are you doing back here?" ()

Mazino soukromé peklo (2018) (S03E19) 

"I forgot my knife. Must have left it here somewhere. Not a blade. A knife. Forged in I don't know, China." ()

Anděl ze San Bernardina (2018) (S03E20) 

"There must be some sort of reasonable explanation. I mean, maybe it's a housewarming gift or or a sex toy. Or a housewarming gift sex toy." ()

Jsem lepší než Pierce (2018) (S03E21) 

"Well, I have to admit, I didn't expect that to be quite so easy, but I'm not one to look a gift-angel in the mouth, I'll take it." ()

Všechno pro Chloe (2018) (S03E22) 

"I'm not talking about the wedding. No, I am talking about the bachelorette party. It sets the foundation for your whole support system. And trust me, you're gonna need one for the dark days to come 'cause, I mean, sleeping with the same dude for the rest of your life? Even hot gets boring, Chloe. Dark days ahead, indeed." ()

Typická Deckerstar (2018) (S03E23) 

Decker - "Lucifer, what are you doing? Oh, right. You're smoking pot because you smoked evidence that one time next to that suspect's car." Lucifer - "Oh, you remember. Yes. And the time at the teen rehab center. Is it taking you back? It's taking me, well, somewhere." ()

Ďábel na mou čest (2018) (S03E24) 

"Emotions are hard. But that's why they make you strong. And this is the strongest I've ever seen you." ()

Normální láska až za hrob (2018) (S03E25) 

"Can I help you get that off? You know, when I was about your age, I was in a car accident. It was pretty bad. I saw lots and lots of blood. I know how scary it can be. But you're gonna be okay. I promise." ()

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