

Příběh služebnice

  • USA The Handmaid's Tale (více)
Trailer 2
USA, (2017–2025), 57 h 27 min (Minutáž: 42–60 min)


Bruce Miller


Margaret Atwood (kniha)


Adam Taylor


Elisabeth Moss, Alexis Bledel, O.T. Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Max Minghella, Yvonne Strahovski, Samira Wiley, Amanda Brugel, Ever Carradine, Madeline Brewer (více)
(další profese)

Série(6) / Epizody(66)


Adaptace klasického románu spisovatelky Margaret Atwood Příběh služebnice vypráví o životě v dystopickém Gileádu, totalitní společnosti na půdě někdejších Spojených států. Republika Gileád, která se potýká s ekologickými katastrofami a ztrátou lidské plodnosti, je ovládána zvráceným fundamentalistickým režimem, který militantně volá po "návratu k tradičním hodnotám". Jako jedna z mála žen, které jsou ještě plodné, je Offred služebnicí v rodině Velitele. Ženy z této kasty jsou nuceny k sexuálnímu otroctví v rámci posledního zoufalého pokusu znovu zalidnit svět. V této děsivé společnosti musí Offred obezřetně manévrovat mezi Veliteli, jejich krutými Manželkami, hospodyněmi Martami i ostatními Služebnicemi – z nichž všech kdokoli může být špiónem Gileádu – a to s jediným cílem: přežít a najít dceru, která jí byla odebrána. (HBO Europe)


Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (51)

Ženská práce (2018) (S02E08) 

Someone once said, "Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them." ()

Chytrá síla (2018) (S02E09) 

"This could be an Airbnb. Not a great one. Three-star reviews, maybe. Amazing house, tons of character, nice view of the yard. Owners are super polite, but creepy as fuck. Some ritualized rape required." ()

Poslední obřad (2018) (S02E10) 

"I shouldn't have expected you to understand. You have no idea what it is like to have a child of your own flesh and blood. And you never will." ()

Holly (2018) (S02E11) 

"I'm sorry there is so much pain in this story. I'm sorry it's in fragments, like a body caught in crossfire or pulled apart by force. But there's nothing I can do to change it. I've tried to put some of the good things in as well." ()

Po porodu (2018) (S02E12) 

"I'm wondering why such an important, brilliant man would take in such a shitty Handmaid." ()

Slovo Boží (2018) (S02E13) 

"She cannot read His word!" ()

Série 3 (2019) (S03) 

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife. Even as Christ is the head of the church, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Let every wife see that she revere her husband. This is the word of the Lord." ()

Noc (2019) (S03E01) 

"You're being cruel. Confusing her like this." ()

Marie a Marta (2019) (S03E02) 

"Strange, to finally be invisible. One of the reasons they chose red was the opposite: We're easy to catch because we're easy to see. Like blood on snow." ()

Na stráži (2019) (S03E03) 

"If women don't want to be defined by their bodies, why are they always using them to get what they want?" ()

Bůh žehnej tomu děcku (2019) (S03E04) 

"You cannot let religion control your choices. That's what they all want." ()

Neznámé číslo (2019) (S03E05) 

"I think it's okay to take a sliver of someone and hold onto that. Especially if that's all you have." ()

Domácnost (2019) (S03E06) 

"Blessed are the silent, for only they will hear the voice of the Lord." ()

Bůh nás vidí (2019) (S03E07) 

"So much leverage comes from the child. With her back home..." ()

Nevhodná (2019) (S03E08) 

"How did that rhyme go? The one we'd jump rope to. Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief. A game to tell what our children would grow up to be. The list is a lot shorter now. Especially if it's a girl." ()

Hrdinka (2019) (S03E09) 

"The brain atrophies in isolation and breeds despair." ()

Svědci (2019) (S03E10) 

"The punishment for contraception is being torn apart by dogs." ()

Lháři (2019) (S03E11) 

"Fifty-two kids. And ten seats. How does that math work?" ()

Oběť (2019) (S03E12) 

"Cheer up. Fred and Serena are toast and you just got away with murder. All in all, not a bad morning." ()

Mayday (2019) (S03E13) 

"You'll be free. You can wear whatever you want. No one's gonna hurt you for reading. Or tell you what to think, or who to love, or what to believe in. And, you know, you don't have to be a wife. Or a mother, if you don't want to." ()

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