

Dobrodružství Sherlocka Holmese

  • Československo Z archivu Sherlocka Holmese (více)

VOD (1)

Série(2) / Epizody(13)


Postava soukromého detektiva Sherlocka Holmese ožila v mnoha podobách na filmovém pláně i v televizi. Mezi nejúspěšnější adaptace ale patří britský televizní seriál, který byl vysílán mezi lety 1984 a 1994. Ve své nejslavnější roli se zde představil britský herec Jeremy Brett (1933–1995). Skládá se ze čtyř rozdílně pojmenovaných sérií a pěti delších televizních filmů. První na řadě jsou Dobrodružství Sherlocka Holmese, která byla natočena ve dvou řadách v letech 1984 a 1985. Celkem čítají 13 dílů a každý představí ucelený příběh s vyřešenou detektivní zápletkou. Jedná se o poměrně věrné adaptace knižních předloh Arthura Conana Doyla, které bývají řazeny ke klasikám detektivní literatury. (Česká televize)


Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (16)

Série 1 (1984) (S01) 

"You see, my dear Watson, it is not really difficult to construct a series of inferences, each dependent upon its predecessor and each simple in itself. If, after doing so, one simply knocks out the central inferences and presents one's audience with the starting point and the conclusion, one may produce a startling, though possibly a meretricious, effect." ()

Skandál v Čechách (1984) (S01E01) 

"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." ()

Tančící figurky (1984) (S01E02) 

"What one man can invent, another can discover." ()


Námořní smlouva (1984) (S01E03) 

"The most difficult crime to track down, Watson, is the one which is purposeless. Now, this is not purposeless, but who is it that profits by it?" ()

Mrzák (1984) (S01E05) 

"It was most bizarre, I should explain that we come across all sorts of conditions of men here. Yet, the other night, I saw the most extraordinary creature I have ever seen. Not only had he a crooked back, but he was lame... and walked with his knees bent. His face was darkly tanned, crinkled and puckered like a withered apple. I thought to myself that truly there are some of us on this earth who are burdened with more than their fair share of misfortune." ()

Strakatý pás (1984) (S01E06) 

"Ah, Watson, it's a wicked world. And when a clever man turns his brain to crime, it's the worst of all." ()

Modrá karbunkule (1984) (S01E07) 

"My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know." ()

Série 2 (1985) (S02) 

"Crime is common, logic is rare." ()

Řecký tlumočník (1985) (S02E02) 

"My dear Watson, I cannot agree with those that rank modesty among the virtues. To the legation, everything should be seen exactly as it is. And to underestimate one's self is as much a departure from the truth as to exaggerate one's own ability." ()

Stavitel z Norwoodu (1985) (S02E03) 

"Thank heavens he was wearing his trousers." ()

Domácí pacient (1985) (S02E04) 

"I dare say Mrs Hudson will be a little put out when she sees all this." ()

Spolek ryšavců (1985) (S02E05) 

'Omne ignotum pro magnifico.' Everything becomes commonplace by explanation. ()

Poslední případ (1985) (S02E06) 

"Watson, I think you know me well enough to understand that I am by no means a nervous man, but it is stupidity rather than courage to refuse to recognize danger when it is close upon you." ()

