

Mission: Impossible Odplata - První část

  • USA Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (více)
Trailer 14


Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) se s týmem Impossible Mission Force tentokrát vydává po stopách děsivé zbraně, jež má potenciál zničit celé lidstvo, aby ji zajistil dřív, než se dostane do rukou nějakého šílence. Při svém zběsilém a nebezpečném pátrání se však musí neustále ohlížet přes rameno, protože z jeho dávné minulosti se vynořil až příliš živý přízrak. Gabriel (Esai Morales) znal Ethana v dobách, kdy ještě nebyl elitním agentem, a ví o každé jeho slabině. Ethan, pro kterého bylo vždy zdraví a bezpečí jeho blízkých a členů týmu víc než úspěšně splněná mise, možná bude tentokrát muset své priority přehodnotit. (Cinemart)



Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

Music from the Motion Picture

Vydal: Sony Classical

Rok: 2023

Země: USA

Formát: digital

Stopáž: 03:00:17

Tracklist CD 1 Stopáž: 01:58:00
1. The Sevastopol Lorne Balfe 02:07
2. The Phantom Lorne Balfe 03:05
3. Collision Alarm Lorne Balfe 01:31
4. A Ghost In The Machine Lorne Balfe 02:38
5. The Sum Of Our Choices Lorne Balfe 01:24
6. Dead Reckoning Opening Titles Lorne Balfe 01:12
7. The Entity Lorne Balfe 03:22
8. Your Mission... Lorne Balfe 02:34
9. This Is Not A Drill Lorne Balfe 02:13
10. The Plot Thickens Lorne Balfe 08:21
11. You Are Dunn Lorne Balfe 05:54
12. Get Out Now Lorne Balfe 01:56
13. A Colourful Past Lorne Balfe 03:11
14. Rush Hour In Rome Lorne Balfe 03:33
15. Roman Getaway Lorne Balfe 02:46
16. You're Driving Lorne Balfe 02:04
17. Hit It Lorne Balfe 02:10
18. He Calls Himself Gabriel Lorne Balfe 06:22
19. A Most Probable Next Lorne Balfe 05:20
20. Run As Far As You Can Lorne Balfe 01:59
21. You Are Done Lorne Balfe 03:28
22. Chasing Grace Lorne Balfe 02:51
23. Was Hoping It'd Be You Lorne Balfe 01:41
24. Ponte Dei Conzafelzi Lorne Balfe 02:19
25. To Be A Ghost Lorne Balfe 02:21
26. What Is Your Objective Lorne Balfe 04:27
27. Murder And The Orient Express Lorne Balfe 03:34
28. Mask Of Lies Lorne Balfe 02:37
29. I Missed The Train Lorne Balfe 03:05
30. Key Details Lorne Balfe 03:36
31. The Moment Of Truth Lorne Balfe 02:17
32. Should You Choose To Accept Lorne Balfe 01:59
33. Leap Of Faith Lorne Balfe 01:36
34. Consequences Lorne Balfe 01:41
35. You Stop The Train Lorne Balfe 03:48
36. Chaos On The Line Lorne Balfe 02:48
37. Countdown Lorne Balfe 02:54
38. This Was The Plan Lorne Balfe 06:15
39. Curtain Call Lorne Balfe 01:01
Tracklist CD 2 Stopáž: 01:02:17
1. Ethan's Fate Lorne Balfe 04:37
2. A Life Remembered Lorne Balfe 07:48
3. Point Of No Return Lorne Balfe 02:39
4. The World Is Changing Lorne Balfe 03:36
5. The Iron Path Lorne Balfe 02:52
6. Ink And Keys Lorne Balfe 02:43
7. The Truth Is Vanishing Lorne Balfe 02:30
8. Shadows Of Sorrow Lorne Balfe 02:58
9. Passion's Embrace Lorne Balfe 03:18
10. The Excommunication Of Autumn Lorne Balfe 01:36
11. Mission Conclusive Lorne Balfe 08:08
12. War Is Coming Lorne Balfe 09:04
13. Xm09 Barren Wilderness Lorne Balfe 04:44
14. Xm18 Dunes Lorne Balfe 02:16
15. Xm22 Hunt Lorne Balfe 03:28
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

Music from the Motion Picture

Vydal: La-La Land Records

Rok: 2023

Země: USA

Formát: CD

Stopáž: 02:00:29

Tracklist CD 1 Stopáž: 01:01:53
1. The Sevastopol Lorne Balfe 02:07
2. The Phantom Lorne Balfe 03:05
3. Collision Alarm Lorne Balfe 01:31
4. A Ghost In The Machine Lorne Balfe 02:39
5. The Sum Of Our Choices Lorne Balfe 01:24
6. Dead Reckoning Opening Titles Lorne Balfe 01:13
7. The Entity Lorne Balfe 03:23
8. Your Mission... Lorne Balfe 02:35
9. This Is Not A Drill Lorne Balfe 02:13
10. The Plot Thickens Lorne Balfe 08:22
11. You Are Dunn Lorne Balfe 05:55
12. Get Out Now Lorne Balfe 01:57
13. A Colourful Past Lorne Balfe 03:11
14. Rush Hour In Rome Lorne Balfe 03:33
15. Roman Getaway Lorne Balfe 02:47
16. You're Driving Lorne Balfe 02:04
17. Hit It Lorne Balfe 02:11
18. He Calls Himself Gabriel Lorne Balfe 06:23
19. A Most Probable Next Lorne Balfe 05:20
Tracklist CD 2 Stopáž: 58:36
1. Run As Far As You Can Lorne Balfe 01:59
2. You Are Done Lorne Balfe 03:28
3. Chasing Grace Lorne Balfe 02:51
4. I Was Hoping It'd Be You Lorne Balfe 01:42
5. Ponte Dei Conzafelzi Lorne Balfe 02:19
6. To Be A Ghost Lorne Balfe 02:22
7. What Is Your Objective Lorne Balfe 04:28
8. Murder And The Orient Express Lorne Balfe 03:34
9. Mask Of Lies Lorne Balfe 02:37
10. I Missed The Train Lorne Balfe 03:06
11. Key Details Lorne Balfe 03:36
12. Moment Of Truth Lorne Balfe 02:18
13. Should You Choose To Accept Lorne Balfe 01:59
14. Leap Of Faith Lorne Balfe 01:37
15. Consequences Lorne Balfe 01:41
16. You Stop The Train Lorne Balfe 03:48
17. Chaos On The Line Lorne Balfe 02:49
18. Countdown Lorne Balfe 02:54
19. This Was The Plan Lorne Balfe 06:15
20. Curtain Call Lorne Balfe 01:02
21. BONUS TRACK: Libra (Teaser Trailer Music) Lorne Balfe 02:11
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

Music from the Motion Picture

Vydal: Milan Records

Rok: 2023

Země: USA

Formát: digital

Stopáž: 01:58:00

1. The Sevastopol Lorne Balfe 02:07
2. The Phantom Lorne Balfe 03:05
3. Collision Alarm Lorne Balfe 01:31
4. A Ghost In The Machine Lorne Balfe 02:38
5. The Sum Of Our Choices Lorne Balfe 01:24
6. Dead Reckoning Opening Titles Lorne Balfe 01:12
7. The Entity Lorne Balfe 03:22
8. Your Mission... Lorne Balfe 02:34
9. This Is Not A Drill Lorne Balfe 02:13
10. The Plot Thickens Lorne Balfe 08:21
11. You Are Dunn Lorne Balfe 05:54
12. Get Out Now Lorne Balfe 01:56
13. A Colourful Past Lorne Balfe 03:11
14. Rush Hour In Rome Lorne Balfe 03:33
15. Roman Getaway Lorne Balfe 02:46
16. You're Driving Lorne Balfe 02:04
17. Hit It Lorne Balfe 02:10
18. He Calls Himself Gabriel Lorne Balfe 06:22
19. A Most Probable Next Lorne Balfe 05:20
20. Run As Far As You Can Lorne Balfe 01:59
21. You Are Done Lorne Balfe 03:28
22. Chasing Grace Lorne Balfe 02:51
23. Was Hoping It'd Be You Lorne Balfe 01:41
24. Ponte Dei Conzafelzi Lorne Balfe 02:19
25. To Be A Ghost Lorne Balfe 02:21
26. What Is Your Objective Lorne Balfe 04:27
27. Murder And The Orient Express Lorne Balfe 03:34
28. Mask Of Lies Lorne Balfe 02:37
29. I Missed the Train Lorne Balfe 03:05
30. Key Details Lorne Balfe 03:36
31. The Moment Of Truth Lorne Balfe 02:17
32. Should You Choose To Accept Lorne Balfe 01:59
33. Leap Of Faith Lorne Balfe 01:36
34. Consequences Lorne Balfe 01:41
35. You Stop The Train Lorne Balfe 03:48
36. Chaos On The Line Lorne Balfe 02:48
37. Countdown Lorne Balfe 02:54
38. This Was The Plan Lorne Balfe 06:15
39. Curtain Call Lorne Balfe 01:01
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One: Dead Reckoning Opening Titles

Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One: Dead Reckoning Opening Titles

Music from the Motion Picture

Vydal: Sony Classical

Rok: 2023

Země: USA

Formát: digital

Stopáž: 01:12

1. Dead Reckoning Opening Titles Lorne Balfe 01:12
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

Music from the Official Teaser Trailer

Vydal: Paramount Music

Rok: 2022

Země: USA

Formát: digital

Stopáž: 02:10

1. Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (Music From The Official Teaser Trailer) Lorne Balfe 02:10

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