

Krok za krokem

Komedie / Rodinný / Romantický
USA, (1991–1998), 58 h 40 min (Minutáž: 22 min)


Tony Askins


Patrick Duffy, Suzanne Somers, Sasha Mitchell, Bronson Pinchot, Staci Keanan, Angela Watson, Christopher Castile, Brandon Call, Josh Byrne, Christine Lakin (více)
(další profese)

Série(7) / Epizody(160)

Zatímco manželé Carol a Frank se mají rádi, jejich děti z prvních manželství se upřímně nenávidí a dělají si samé naschvály. (oficiální text distributora)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (150)

Psychoterapie (1994) (S04E08) 

"Well, it's hard to blend with JT. He came to us from the Adopt-A-Pet Program." ()

Nejlepší zmrzlinář (1994) (S04E09) 

"I've always wanted to make my mark on the world. This way, I'll make a really big mark. Splat!" ()

Alergie (1994) (S04E10) 

"Well, why do you women wear shoes you can't walk in? I mean, they don't even look that good." ()

Posedlost (1994) (S04E11) 

"Dude, I love opera. A bunch of fat old guys singing about love and death. It's awesome." ()

Vánoční smíření (1994) (S04E12) 

"It's wet in there. And there's a loose flap of skin hanging down." ()

Lež má hezké nohy (1994) (S04E13) 

"Well, I'll tell you somethin' man, I'm your best friend. I don't like you very much right now." ()

Líbánky skončily (1995) (S04E15) 

"Carol, men aren't supposed to look sexy. That's a woman's job. Men are just supposed to be hairy." ()

Po kom ty děti jsou (1995) (S04E16) 

"I have already killed three kids today. Two more will make no difference." ()

Doučování (1995) (S04E17) 

"Frank, you're the man. Now, act like a man. Do what I tell you to do." ()

Zpátky do školy (1995) (S04E18) 

"You know, JT, here's an idea. Why don't you sit on the book? So that way, it'll be closer to your brain." ()

Žárlivost (1995) (S04E19) 

"Nezoufejte. Už se sunu." ()

Neslušný návrh (1995) (S04E20) 

"Well, five years old, is a big boy. And big boys sleep in their own... vans." Zo zahodenia takejto príležitosti by mal zvyšok života depresie. ()

Slabší pohlaví (1995) (S04E21) 

"I think I'll just step way over here." ()

Podnikání (1995) (S04E22) 

"You know how sometimes you like wake up in the morning and you just don't feel like going to work? All right, from now on, go with that feeling." ()

Už je to tady! (1995) (S04E24) 

"But, Dad, the Bucks just went into overtime. Can't she just cross her legs and hold it in?" ()

Série 5 (1995) (S05) 

"I really gotta get out of this family." ()

Bratrská ochrana (1995) (S05E01) 

"This is so cool. I think I'm getting hair on my back already." ()

Tři chůvy (1995) (S05E02) 

"Mom, with all due respect to your mothering abilities taking care of a baby is not that complicated. You know, I mean, they eat, they sleep, they poop. Kind of like J.T." ()

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