

Recenze (1)


všechny recenze uživatele (k tomuto seriálu)

„There’s a crack house right over there, across the street.“ „Hey, anybody check that rock house over there?“ „We knocked. No answer.“ „Oh, for Christ’s sake.“ Tommy dostáva nový rozmer. Vic reaguje tak, ako by kolegovia reagovať mali a opäť potvrdzuje pozíciu nedormálneho vodcu, pričom získava netradičného parťáka. Strike Team si zatiaľ zvyká na nového šéfa. Množstvo napínavej, drsnej akcie, drámy a vystupovania z komfortnej zóny postáv či robenia rozhodnutí dvojsečným mečom, to všetko ponúkla táto epizóda. A navrch kopu hlášok. „Hey, Vic, wait a minute. I just got my job back, okay? I’m not breaking into this place.“ „There’s a citizen inside here in need of immediate medical attention.“ Bang. „See? Medical emergency. Somebody get this man an aspirin.“ „Ups. Next time, I won‘t knock so hard. Put your clothes on, walk out the door, and change your taste in men.“ –„I said unlock this door.“ „What‘s going on?“ "Just showing a fellow officer some support." –„You guys go back out there, I gotta go to Aceveda.“ „Let‘s go.‘‘ -„Shane, when you want your buddy to release, gently squeeze the shaft at the base applying tongue to the glans and frenulum.“ .“I didn‘t get your name.“ „Yeah.“ –„You weren‘t at the basher tonight?“ „I was there in spirit. Busts got made.“ ()

Galerie (16)



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