


USA, (1999–2024), 161 h 36 min (Minutáž: 21–54 min)


Richard Matheson (povídka)


Ralph Kaechele


Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis, Adam West, Patrick Warburton, Phil LaMarr, Gary Cole, Jennifer Tilly, Fred Tatasciore, Ralph Garman (více)
(další profese)

VOD (1)

Série(23) / Epizody(434)

Animovaný seriál o netypické americké rodince Griffinových. Každý z nich je originál, včetně jejich mluvícího psa Briana, který všechny překvapivé rodinné situace komentuje s moudrostí sobě vlastní. (TV Nova)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (272)

Kluci pláčou (2007) (S05E15) 

"You can't ask me to make dinner, Lois. That's like asking me to choose between Sarah Jessica Parker and Kirsten Dunst in a hot body/weird face contest. It can't be done." ()

Kam s ním? (2007) (S05E16) 

"And I got a job following fat people around with a tuba." ()

Ať žije korupce (2007) (S05E17) 

"Undecided voters are the biggest idiots on the planet. Try giving short, simple answers." ()

Mladí a divocí (2007) (S05E18) 

"I think I can explain it to you, Peter. This line represents the normal flow of events. Here's where you met Lois, here's where you got married, and here's the present. And here's the night at the bar. Now, at some point during that evening, you did something that changed the course of your history, causing the time line to skew off into an alternate tangent, where you're married to Molly Ringwald, Quagmire's married to Lois, and for some reason, we have a chalk boarding the living room." ()

Série 6 (2007) (S06) 

"Good evening, I'm Tom Tucker. Coming up, important traffic news that can't help you because you're some place where a TV is." ()

Griffinovi ve Star Wars (2007) (S06E01) 

"Hi, I'm Han Solo. I'm Captain of the Millenium Falcon, and the only actor whose career isn't destroyed by appearing in this movie." ()

Stewie vraždí Lois (2007) (S06E04) 

"Farewell, Brian. I'm off to sea. An hour from now, I'll be surrounded by seamen. Sperm whales and seamen. Uh, a swallow!" ()

Lois vraždí Stewieh (2007) (S06E05) 

"I brought Stewie into this world. It's time for me to take him out." ()

Padre de familia (2007) (S06E06) 

"We're taking what's ours! Actually, we're taking what's yours, but we don't think you deserve it, so we're calling it ours and taking it!" ()

Peterova dcera (2007) (S06E07) 

Meg - Wow, a Maroon 5 CD. Michael - Yeah, I remember how you told me you liked terrible music, so I thought you might appreciate it. ()

McInfarkt (2008) (S06E08) 

Chris - I imagine you're gonna be much more of a stern father now that you have a mustache. Peter - Well, Chris, there may be more lap sitting than there's been, and I might answer most of your questions with a story, but mostly, my mustache tells people that there is a 90% chance that I am poorly educated, that I keep upscale porn magazines out in the open, and that I listen to the Little River Band with giant headphones. ()

Zpátky do lesů (2008) (S06E09) 

"Good evening, I'm Tom Tucker. Coming up, important traffic news that can't help you because you're some place where a TV is." ()

Minulý život Brian (2008) (S06E11) 

"You know what, Stewie? If you don't like it, go on the internet and complain." ()

Dlouhý John Peter (2008) (S06E12) 

"We now return to Busy Business Lady Whose Life Is Missing Something But She Doesn't Realize It Because She's So Busy With Business." ()

Série 7 (2008) (S07) 

"I believe everything everyone tells me anywhere." ()

Láska pekelná (2008) (S07E01) 

Jane - I'm a victim of the liberal agenda. I'm a murdered fetus. Did you know Democrats murder thousands of babies every year? Sometimes babies are put back into the womb so that they can be aborted again. Brian - You ever had sex that was voluntary? Jane - No, I have not. ()

Tahle země není pro Ježíše (2008) (S07E02) 

Peter - Oh, my God. Jesus Christ, the Messiah. You've returned. You've returned to bring us the good word. Jesus - What word? ()

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