


USA, (1999–2024), 161 h 36 min (Minutáž: 21–54 min)


Richard Matheson (povídka)


Ralph Kaechele


Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis, Adam West, Patrick Warburton, Phil LaMarr, Gary Cole, Jennifer Tilly, Fred Tatasciore, Ralph Garman (více)
(další profese)

VOD (1)

Série(23) / Epizody(434)

Animovaný seriál o netypické americké rodince Griffinových. Každý z nich je originál, včetně jejich mluvícího psa Briana, který všechny překvapivé rodinné situace komentuje s moudrostí sobě vlastní. (TV Nova)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (272)

Taťka Quagmire (2009) (S08E06) 

"Why are there no midget accountants? Because they always come up short." ()

Sázka na Jeroma (2009) (S08E07) 

"Sorry, I was out of it. Wait, are we being robbed?" ()

Pes pod drnem (2009) (S08E08) 

Lois - Oh, I'm sorry, Brian. That's great news. What channel will the awards ceremony be on? Brian - Oh, are they having an awards ceremony for how well you did the dishes last night? Stewie - Ha! You got nothing going on. ()

Peter byznysmanem (2009) (S08E09) 

Lois - Is my father gonna be okay, Dr. House? Dr. House - He's in a coma, Mrs. Griffin. Listening to the sound of your voice, I'd say he's the lucky one. ()

Muž bez paměti (2010) (S08E10) 

"I was just lucky he had an odd number of objects." ()

Meg ve vězení (2010) (S08E11) 

"Oh, I love teenage girls. It's all ahead of them, you know. They haven't turned into bitches yet." ()

Peter senzibilem (2010) (S08E12) 

"Okay. Like a young twelve or, like a "she eats a lot of milk products so she got her boobs early" twelve? Which is a real thing, by the way." ()

Stewie filmovou hvězdou (2010) (S08E13) 

"Oh, there's no picture. I like the stories that have pictures. Ooh, like this one! "Seven dead in Mumbai." I like their hats." ()

Peterovi haraší (2010) (S08E14) 

Angela: Well, there is a pie. It's been baking since I met you. Reginald New York Knickerbocker [Peter Griffin in disguise]: ermmmmmmm, gross. ()

Apríl v Quahogu (2010) (S08E16) 

"Tom, I'm standing here with Stephen Hawking. The first white man I've ever met who knows math better than me." ()

Smysl života (2010) (S08E17) 

"You spent $3000 on a sweater? That's the most idiotic thing I've heard. You're a moron. A pretentious moron." ()

Otec nebo matka (2010) (S08E18) 

"Not a bad option to have in the back pocket." ()

Zázračný zdroj (2010) (S08E19) 

Donna - I don't think we've seen you folks since the wedding. Still waiting on that gift. Peter - The gift was the show. ()

Griffinovi vrací úder (2010) (S08E20) 

"Why are you wearing Han's clothes? Seriously, watch the actual movie. Lando is wearing Han's clothes in this scene. It's really weird." ()

Partial Terms of Endearment (2010) (S08E21) 

"I'm here to save the unborn. Once they get out of a vagina, they can go fuck themselves." ()

Série 9 (2010) (S09) 

"You know what sucks, Brian? We don't got a problem with our drinking. It's everybody else who's got a problem with our drinking." ()

Jeden z nich je vrah (2010) (S09E01) 

Brian - Not the kennel. Last time you left me there for an hour. Or 10 years, I don't know. There's no clock. Stewie - You stink when you come out of there. ()

Dokonalost vysílání (2010) (S09E02) 

"Hang on, I think you're forgetting the grace, Lois. Dear God, who definitely exists, we, your people, who have been on this planet for 6000 years and not a second more, wish to thank you for this bounty and for keeping Congress predominantly white through Christ, our lord, amen." ()

Carter se kaje (2010) (S09E03) 

"You can take a punch. But at the same time, you cowered a little bit. Now, that's a woman." ()

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