


USA, (1999–2024), 161 h 36 min (Minutáž: 21–54 min)


Richard Matheson (povídka)


Ralph Kaechele


Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis, Adam West, Patrick Warburton, Phil LaMarr, Gary Cole, Jennifer Tilly, Fred Tatasciore, Ralph Garman (více)
(další profese)

VOD (1)

Série(23) / Epizody(434)

Animovaný seriál o netypické americké rodince Griffinových. Každý z nich je originál, včetně jejich mluvícího psa Briana, který všechny překvapivé rodinné situace komentuje s moudrostí sobě vlastní. (TV Nova)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (272)

Halloween v Quahogu (2010) (S09E04) 

"Where are you off to, sweetie? You gonna go see three movies in a row so it seems Iike you're out doing something?" ()

Umíš mě uzemnit, Baby (2010) (S09E05) 

"I have a strong headache when I go to sleep and when I wake up." ()

Brian píše bestseller (2010) (S09E06) 

"Look what they used to pack your book in. Shredded-up pieces of your book." ()

Hledá se ledvina (2011) (S09E08) 

Dr. Hartman - Stranger things have happened in medicine. I once tried to clone a chicken. The result wound up being a man-sized chicken that was incredibly hostile and ended up escaping from the Iab. Peter - Okay, Doc, we got to have a talk at some point. ()

Staré křivdy (2011) (S09E09) 

"Okay, Lois, bye! Bye, church! Bye, church guy! Bye, unending conversation! Bye, terrible church people! Bye!" ()

Smrťákova lekce (2011) (S09E10) 

Brian Griffin: What are you talking about? What lesson? I don't need to go to AA. I'm a social drinker, not an alcoholic. Stewie Griffin: Pshaw! Yeah, that's like saying rappers are really poets. ()

Kdo s kým v dobrém i zlém (2011) (S09E12) 

Brian - I think you're going soft. I mean, when was the Iast time you tried to blow something up, or take over the world, or even used the phrase, "Damn you"? Stewie - Hey, I got a Iot on my plate, man. I'm Iearning to use the toilet, I'm Iearning what shapes are. I spent half an hour Iaughing at my own feet yesterday. ()

Výměna rolí (2011) (S09E13) 

"Is that right? So you Iike taking dirt bikes that don't belong to you, huh? Then here, have a whole carton of cigarettes! See how you Iike them! Here, I'II even get you started. Sure, you don't now. But keep at it. You'II get the hang of it. By the end of that pack, you'II be smoking Iike a real pro. Like a cool kid. Yeah, that's it. Getting smoother, isn't it? Oh, yeah! Wait till you try it after a meal. Delicious! And after sex? Forget about it. It's Iike putting your penis to sleep in a feather bed." ()

Quagmire, znalec žen (2011) (S09E14) 

Now, as I said before, I can't make you into studs. I can only help you bring out your "inner stud." But there's a Iot of potential here. Now how many of you guys think a woman is Iooking for Prince Charming? Wrong! They're Iooking for bastards Iike me! You wanna know how many times I've been Iaid since Iast night? 60! Why? 'Cause I'm not trying to be a girl's Prince Charming. I'm trying to be that big mistake they made at the bar Iast night. Look, what's the first thing you say to a woman when you meet her? You say, "Hi, there! "How's your relationship with your father?" If she says anything positive, move along. ()

Bratři a sestry (2011) (S09E15) 

"Well, nobody believed we'd make it, and Iook at us now. I drink, and you use sex as a weapon. That seems to me Iike a successful New England marriage." ()

Teorie velkého třesku (2011) (S09E16) 

"You know, it's funny, I had actually stopped playing with that toy, but now that I see you with it, I kind of want to play with it again." ()

Zahraniční románek (2011) (S09E17) 

"Lois, I realize you're excited about going away with Bonnie and all, but could I not have to hear about the trip when you get back? I know you're going to have pictures and stories, and I just don't want to be involved in any of that mess." ()

Je to past! (2011) (S09E18) 

"Oh god, we're going to do Jedi, aren't we?" ()

Série 10 (2011) (S10) 

"Look, everyone knows if you go away with a guy for the weekend and don't have sex with him, you're a huge bitch." ()

Loterijní horečka (2011) (S10E01) 

"It's a solid gold tuxedo, Lois. I had to fight three rappers down at the Nonsense Store for this." ()

Hurikán a houbičky (2011) (S10E02) 

Lois: Well, I don't like having to literally empty the farts out of your pockets whenever I do your laundry! Chris: You're the one who's always cooking Brussels sprouts and broccoli! It's like an Irish bar fight down there! WHY DON'T WE EVER GET ANY GOOD FOOD? ()

Příběh Brendy Q (2011) (S10E03) 

"No, i-it's really not that bad. It only hurts when I see." ()

Stewie na útěku (2011) (S10E04) 

"Peter, come on. Why would any man dress well, groom himself and lift weights just to sleep with other men? He's not gay." ()

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