

Říjen 1957. „To" se probouzí a městečko Derry ve státě Maine už nikdy nebude jako dřív. Stephen King vdechl život ztělesnění veškerých dětských fóbií a obav a vystavil sedm dětí zlovolné síle, která na sebe bere nejrůznější podoby včetně klaunské tváře. Děsivý klaun (Tim Curry) žije v městské kanalizaci, odkud se vydává lovit a zabíjet. O mnoho let později se ti, kdo přežili, jako dospělí vrací skoncovat s další vlnou jeho bezuzdného vraždění – už jednou provždy. (Magic Box)





Vydal: Waxwork Records

Rok: 2018

Země: USA

Formát: LP

Stopáž: 01:37:51

Poznámky: Limited edition.

Tracklist CD 1 Stopáž: 32:59
1. SIDE A: Main Title Part I Richard Bellis 01:52
2. Enter The Clown Richard Bellis 03:04
3. Georgie Dies Richard Bellis 04:17
4. Ben Gets The News Richard Bellis 00:51
5. Punks Richard Bellis 02:18
6. I Hate It Here Richard Bellis 01:53
7. Bedroom Jazz Source Richard Bellis 02:24
8. SIDE B: The Slap Richard Bellis 01:45
9. Die If You Try Richard Bellis 04:02
10. Richie's Talk Show Play Off Richard Bellis 00:34
11. The Beast - First Encounter Richard Bellis 02:05
12. Mike Remembers Richard Bellis 00:58
13. Mike Joins The Group Richard Bellis 05:07
14. Pennywise Richard Bellis 00:39
15. Circus Source Richard Bellis 01:10
Tracklist CD 2 Stopáž: 33:11
1. SIDE C: Target Practice Richard Bellis 02:51
2. The Sewer Hole Richard Bellis 03:13
3. Stan Gets Nabbed Richard Bellis 04:27
4. The Fog Richard Bellis 03:25
5. The Pact Richard Bellis 01:43
6. Stan's Suicide Richard Bellis 00:50
7. End Credits Part I Richard Bellis 01:00
8. SIDE D: Main Title Part II Richard Bellis 01:51
9. The Graves Richard Bellis 01:48
10. Library Balloons Richard Bellis 02:53
11. Ben's Flashback Richard Bellis 00:35
12. Skeleton On The Pond Richard Bellis 00:40
13. Guillory's Muzak Richard Bellis 01:27
14. Hydrox Richard Bellis 02:49
15. Audra Richard Bellis 01:45
16. Fortune Cookie Richard Bellis 01:54
Tracklist CD 3 Stopáž: 31:41
1. SIDE E: Silver Flyer Richard Bellis 02:22
2. Leftover Stan Richard Bellis 01:52
3. Henry And Belch Richard Bellis 02:20
4. Every Thirty Years Richard Bellis 01:56
5. Audra Arrives Richard Bellis 02:02
6. This Time It's For Real Richard Bellis 04:26
7. The Smell Of Death Richard Bellis 01:59
8. SIDE F: Something's Coming Richard Bellis 04:00
9. The Spider's Web Richard Bellis 05:11
10. Hi Ho Silver Richard Bellis 04:33
11. End Credits Part II Richard Bellis 01:00
Stephen King's It

Stephen King's It

Soundtrack from the Television Motion Picture

Vydal: WaterTower Music

Rok: 2016

Země: Velká Británie

Formát: CD, digital

Stopáž: 38:36

Poznámky: CDR manufactured by Amazon.

1. Main Title Richard Bellis 01:52
2. Enter The Clown Richard Bellis 03:04
3. George Dies Richard Bellis 04:17
4. Punks Richard Bellis 02:18
5. Mike Joins The Group Richard Bellis 05:07
6. Library Balloons Richard Bellis 02:53
7. Every Thirty Years Richard Bellis 01:56
8. This Time It's For Real Richard Bellis 04:26
9. The Smell Of Death Richard Bellis 01:59
10. The Spider's Web Richard Bellis 05:11
11. Hi Ho Silver Richard Bellis 04:33
12. End Credits Richard Bellis 01:00
Stephen King's It

Stephen King's It

Vydal: Intrada Records

Rok: 2011

Země: USA

Formát: CD

Stopáž: 01:37:51

Poznámky: Limited Edition.

Tracklist CD 1 Stopáž: 50:28
1. Main Title I Richard Bellis 01:52
2. Enter The Clown Richard Bellis 03:04
3. Georgie Dies Richard Bellis 04:17
4. Ben Gets The News Richard Bellis 00:51
5. Punks Richard Bellis 02:18
6. I Hate It Here Richard Bellis 01:53
7. Bedroom Jazz Source Richard Bellis 02:24
8. The Slap Richard Bellis 01:45
9. Die If You Try Richard Bellis 04:02
10. Richie's Talk Show Play-Off Richard Bellis 00:34
11. The Beast - First Encounter Richard Bellis 02:05
12. Mike Remembers Richard Bellis 00:58
13. Mike Joins The Group Richard Bellis 05:07
14. Pennywise Richard Bellis 00:39
15. Circus Source Richard Bellis 01:10
16. Target Practice Richard Bellis 02:51
17. The Sewer Hole Richard Bellis 03:13
18. Stan Gets Nabbed Richard Bellis 04:27
19. The Fog Richard Bellis 03:25
20. The Pact Richard Bellis 01:43
21. Stan's Suicide Richard Bellis 00:50
22. End Credits I Richard Bellis 01:00
Tracklist CD 2 Stopáž: 47:23
1. Main Title Part II Richard Bellis 01:51
2. The Graves Richard Bellis 01:48
3. Library Balloons Richard Bellis 02:53
4. Ben's Flashback Richard Bellis 00:35
5. Skeleton On The Pond Richard Bellis 00:40
6. Guillory's Muzak Richard Bellis 01:27
7. Hydrox Richard Bellis 02:49
8. Audra Richard Bellis 01:45
9. Fortune Cookie Richard Bellis 01:54
10. Silver Flyer Richard Bellis 02:22
11. Leftover Stan Richard Bellis 01:52
12. Henry And Belch Richard Bellis 02:20
13. Every Thirty Years Richard Bellis 01:56
14. Audra Arrives Richard Bellis 02:02
15. This Time It's For Real Richard Bellis 04:26
16. The SMell Of Death Richard Bellis 01:59
17. Something's Coming Richard Bellis 04:00
18. The Spider's Web Richard Bellis 05:11
19. Hi Ho Silver Richard Bellis 04:33
20. End Credits Part II Richard Bellis 01:00

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Kingův horor To konečně míří do kin


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