

Strážci vesmíru

  • USA Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (více)
Akční / Rodinný / Komedie / Fantasy
USA / Francie / Japonsko, (1993–1995), 48 h 22 min (Minutáž: 19–21 min)


Ilan Rosenberg


Richard Steven Horvitz, David Yost, Ed Neil, Paul Schrier, Jason Narvy, Barbara Goodson, Amy Jo Johnson, Robert Axelrod, Johnny Yong Bosch, Tom Wyner (více)
(další profese)

Série(3) / Epizody(145)

Pět normálních teenagerů je vybráno intergalaktickým čarodějem, aby se z nich stali Strážci vesmíru a pomocí svých nových schopností bojovali proti zlé Ritě Repulsa. (Netflix)

Epizody (145)

Day of the Dumpster (S01E01)


High Five (S01E02)

? %

Teamwork (S01E03)

? %

A Pressing Engagement (S01E04)

? %

Different Drum (S01E05)

? %

Food Fight (S01E06)

? %

Big Sisters (S01E07)

? %

I, Eye Guy (S01E08)

? %

For Whom the Bell Trolls (S01E09)

? %

Happy Birthday, Zack (S01E10)

? %

No Clowning Around (S01E11)

? %

Power Ranger Punks (S01E12)

? %

Peace, Love, and Woe (S01E13)

? %

Foul Play in the Sky (S01E14)

? %

Dark Warrior (S01E15)

? %

Switching Places (S01E16)

? %

Green with Evil: Part I (S01E17)

? %

Green with Evil: Part II (S01E18)

? %

Green with Evil: Part III (S01E19)

? %

Green with Evil: Part IV (S01E20)

? %

Green with Evil: Part V (S01E21)

? %

The Trouble with Shellshock (S01E22)

? %

Itsy Bitsy Spider (S01E23)

? %

The Spit Flower (S01E24)

? %

Gung Ho! (S01E25)

? %

Life's a Masquerade (S01E26)

? %

Wheel of Misfortune (S01E27)

? %

Island of Illusion: Part I (S01E28)

? %

Island of Illusion: Part II (S01E29)

? %

The Rockstar (S01E30)

? %

Calamity Kimberly (S01E31)

? %

A Star Is Born (S01E32)

? %

The Yolk's on You! (S01E33)

? %

The Green Candle: Part I (S01E34)

? %

The Green Candle: Part II (S01E35)

? %

Birds of a Feather (S01E36)

? %

Clean-Up Club (S01E37)

? %

A Bad Reflection on You (S01E38)

? %

Doomsday: Part I (S01E39)

? %

Doomsday: Part II (S01E40)

? %

Rita's Seed of Evil (S01E41)

? %

A Pig Surprise (S01E42)

? %

Something Fishy (S01E43)

? %

Lions & Blizzards (S01E44)

? %

Crystal of Nightmares (S01E45)

? %

To Flea or Not to Flee (S01E46)

? %

Reign of the Jellyfish (S01E47)

? %

Plague of the Mantis (S01E48)

? %

Return of an Old Friend: Part I (S01E49)

? %

Return of an Old Friend: Part II (S01E50)

? %

Grumble Bee (S01E51)

? %

Two Heads Are Better Than One (S01E52)

? %

Fowl Play (S01E53)

? %

Trick or Treat (S01E54)

? %

Second Chance (S01E55)

? %

On Fins and Needles (S01E56)

? %

Enter... The Lizzinator (S01E57)

? %

Football Season (S01E58)

? %

Mighty Morphin' Mutants (S01E59)

? %

An Oyster Stew (S01E60)

? %

The Mutiny: Part I (S02E01)

? %

The Mutiny: Part II (S02E02)

? %

The Mutiny: Part III (S02E03)

? %

The Wanna-Be Ranger (S02E04)

? %

Putty on the Brain (S02E05)

? %

Bloom of Doom (S02E06)

? %

The Green Dream (S02E07)

? %

The Power Stealer (S02E08)

? %

The Beetle Invasion (S02E09)

? %

Welcome to Venus Island (S02E10)

? %

The Song of Guitardo (S02E11)

? %

Green No More: Part I (S02E12)

? %

Green No More: Part II (S02E13)

? %

Missing Green (S02E14)

? %

Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park (S02E15)

? %

Beauty and the Beast (S02E16)

? %

White Light: Part I (S02E17)

? %

White Light: Part II (S02E18)

? %

Two for One (S02E19)

? %

Opposites Attract (S02E20)

? %

Zedd's Monster Mash (S02E21)

? %

The Ninja Encounter: Part I (S02E22)

? %

The Ninja Encounter: Part II (S02E23)

? %

The Ninja Encounter: Part III (S02E24)

? %

A Monster of Global Proportions (S02E25)

? %

Zedd Waves (S02E26)

? %

The Power Transfer: Part I (S02E27)

? %

The Power Transfer: Part II (S02E28)

? %

Goldar's Vice-Versa (S02E29)

? %

Mirror of Regret (S02E30)

? %

When Is a Ranger Not a Ranger? (S02E31)

? %

Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun (S02E32)

? %

Lights, Camera, Action (S02E33)

? %

Where There's Smoke, There's Fire (S02E34)

? %

Scavenger Hunt (S02E35)

? %

The Great Bookala Escape (S02E36)

? %

Forever Friends (S02E37)

? %

A Reel Fish Story (S02E38)

? %

Rangers Back in Time: Part I (S02E39)

? %

Rangers Back in Time: Part II (S02E40)

? %

The Wedding: Part I (S02E41)

? %

The Wedding: Part II (S02E42)

? %

The Wedding: Part III (S02E43)

? %

Return of the Green Ranger: Part I (S02E44)

? %

Return of the Green Ranger: Part II (S02E45)

? %

Return of the Green Ranger: Part III (S02E46)

? %

Best Man for the Job (S02E47)

? %

Storybook Rangers: Part I (S02E48)

? %

Storybook Rangers: Part II (S02E49)

? %

Wild West Rangers: Part I (S02E50)

? %

Wild West Rangers: Part II (S02E51)

? %

Blue Ranger Gone Bad (S02E52)

? %

A Friend in Need: Part I (S03E01)

? %

A Friend in Need: Part II (S03E02)

? %

A Friend in Need: Part III (S03E03)

? %

Ninja Quest: Part I (S03E04)

? %

Ninja Quest: Part II (S03E05)

? %

Ninja Quest: Part III (S03E06)

? %

Ninja Quest: Part IV (S03E07)

? %

A Brush with Destiny (S03E08)

? %

Passing the Lantern (S03E09)

? %

Wizard for a Day (S03E10)

? %

Fourth Down and Long (S03E11)

? %

Stop the Hate Master: Part I (S03E12)

? %

Stop the Hate Master: Part II (S03E13)

? %

Final Face-Off (S03E14)

? %

The Potion Notion (S03E15)

? %

A Ranger Catastrophe: Part I (S03E16)

? %

A Ranger Catastrophe: Part II (S03E17)

? %

Changing of the Zords: Part I (S03E18)

? %

Changing of the Zords: Part II (S03E19)

? %

Changing of the Zords: Part III (S03E20)

? %

Follow That Cab! (S03E21)

? %

A Different Shade of Pink: Part I (S03E22)

? %

A Different Shade of Pink: Part II (S03E23)

? %

A Different Shade of Pink: Part III (S03E24)

? %

Rita's Pita (S03E25)

? %

Another Brick in the Wall (S03E26)

? %

A Chimp in Charge (S03E27)

? %

Master Vile and the Metallic Armor: Part I (S03E28)

? %

Master Vile and the Metallic Armor: Part II (S03E29)

? %

Master Vile and the Metallic Armor: Part III (S03E30)

? %

I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger (S03E31)

? %

The Sound of Dischordia (S03E32)

? %

Rangers in Reverse (S03E33)

? %

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