

Bez slitování

  • USA Rolling Thunder (více)


Major letectva, Charles Rane, se vrací z vietnamské války, kterou prožil v zajateckém táboře. Zjišťuje, že život jeho rodiny se za sedm let, kdy byl pryč, značně změnil, ale ve svém městě je hrdinou, kterému je hodno prokazovat úctu. V rámci jednoho z ceremoniálů mu místní firma daruje kufřík stříbrných dolarů, jako odměnu, za jeho statečnost. Právě tento kufřík se však stane středem zájmu několika lupičů, kteří při pokusu o jeho získání zabijí Raneovu rodinu a jeho samotného postřelí a zmrzačí. Major se tak vydává na cestu za pomstou... (Jenda)



Rob Roy

Rob Roy (hodnocení, recenze)

Taken from the book "Schrader On Schrader":

"I wrote a movie about racism, and they changed it into a racist movie."

"The story of Rolling Thunder was really botched in the rewriting. The main character in the film was meant to be the same sort of character as Travis Bickle, with that same anti-social edge. The character, as I originally wrote him, was a Texas trash racist who had become a war hero without ever having fired a gun, and came home to confront the Texas Mexican community. All his racism from his childhood and Vietnam comes out, and at the ending of the film there's an indiscriminate slaughter of Mexicans, meant as some kind of metaphor for American racism in Vietnam.

In order to get it made, (the studio) insisted that the racist element be taken out, which is the equivalent of giving Travis Bickle a dog. Once you take out the perverse pathology of these characters, rather than become films about fascism they become fascist films, and that's what happened to Rolling Thunder."



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