

Neri, dívka moře

Dobrodružný / Rodinný / Fantasy
Austrálie, (1994–1997), 31 h 59 min (Minutáž: 23–26 min)

Série(4) / Epizody(78)


Neri žije na opuštěném ostrově a druhým domovem jí je moře. Jejími přáteli jsou velryby, s nimiž díky svým plaveckým schopnostem tráví většinu času. Dívka dokonce dokáže s těmito vodními savci komunikovat. Jednoho dne se na ostrově vylodí dva chlapci z nedaleké podmořské základny ORCA. Přes počáteční nedůvěru se s nimi spřátelí a začne je zasvěcovat do života kytovců. Nabyté vědomosti pak využijí i při výzkumu na vědecké stanici. Zároveň se společně snaží přijít na kloub dívčině podivnému původu, který, jak se později ukáže, je ještě tajemnější než se na první pohled zdálo. (BlackMount)


Epizody (78)

The Girl in the Sea (S01E01)

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Set Adrift (S01E02)

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Wall of Death (S01E03)

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The Earthquake (S01E04)

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Human Tears (S01E05)

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Property Developers (S01E06)

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Toxic Waste (S01E07)

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Day Pass (S01E08)

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Romance (S01E09)

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Major Breakthrough (S01E10)

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Industrial Spy (S01E11)

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Neri's Secret (S01E12)

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Tough Decision (S01E13)

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The Return (S02E01)

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Where No Whale Swims (S02E02)

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Father's Message (S02E03)

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Records and Recollections (S02E04)

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Mera (S02E05)

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The Institute (S02E06)

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No Place Like Home (S02E07)

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Our Island (S02E08)

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Underwater and Undercover (S02E09)

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Secrets Out (S02E10)

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Sabotage (S02E11)

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The Arrival (S02E12)

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The Return (S02E13)

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Danger in the Reef (S03E01)

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Amnesia (S03E02)

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Draining the Spaceship (S03E03)

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Kal Who Knows No Fear (S03E04)

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Diving Around Obtacles (S03E05)

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Winston and Water (S03E06)

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A Super-Sportsman (S03E07)

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Extraterrestial Abilities (S03E08)

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The Capsule in the Desert (S03E09)

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Benny in Trouble (S03E10)

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Cassandra's Nightmare (S03E11)

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The Helicopter Exam (S03E12)

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Lena's Betrayal (S03E13)

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Changes (S03E14)

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The Spy (S03E15)

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Gamma Level: Radioactive (S03E16)

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Charlie Is Stranded (S03E17)

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The Love Letter (S03E18)

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Jason and the Abyss (S03E19)

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Eavesdropper (S03E20)

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Water in the Desert (S03E21)

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The Safe Deposit Key (S03E22)

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The China Man (S03E23)

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The Stone Fish (S03E24)

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Time Bomb in the Jungle (S03E25)

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The Last Chance (S03E26)

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Operation Sphinx (S04E01)

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The Mysterious Pyramid (S04E02)

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The Transport (S04E03)

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The Golden Ankh (S04E04)

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Stranded in the Desert (S04E05)

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The Lie Detector (S04E06)

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The Bug (S04E07)

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A Wrong Friend (S04E08)

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The Hunt for the Golden Ankh (S04E09)

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The History of the Whale Woman (S04E10)

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Cheat (S04E11)

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Imprisoned in the Bunker (S04E12)

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Attempt at Revival (S04E13)

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The Snake Bite (S04E14)

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A Spirit Appears (S04E15)

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Helen Learns the Laughter (S04E16)

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Mera Escapes to Earth (S04E17)

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The Race (S04E18)

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The Attack (S04E19)

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The Taking of Hostages (S04E20)

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The Red Virus (S04E21)

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Before the Countdown (S04E22)

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The Countdown (S04E23)

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The Ice Melts (S04E24)

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The Blood Test (S04E25)

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The Queen (S04E26)

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