

Myšlenky zločince

  • USA Criminal Minds (více)
Krimi / Drama / Mysteriózní / Thriller
USA / Kanada, (2005–2024), 243 h 7 min (Minutáž: 40–84 min)


Jeff Davis


Richard Shepard, Andy Wolk, Charles Haid, Steve Shill, J. Miller Tobin (více)


Matthew Gray Gubler, Thomas Gibson, Shemar Moore, Mandy Patinkin, A.J. Cook, Kirsten Vangsness, Paget Brewster, Lola Glaudini, Chandler Canterbury (více)
(další profese)

VOD (1)

Série(17) / Epizody(343)

V seriálu Myšlenky zločince se elitní tým analytiků FBI zabývá sestavováním osobnostních profilů sériových vrahů. Snaží se proniknout do jejich temné a komplikované mysli, aby předešli dalším vražedným útokům. (AXN)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (339)

V krvi (2013) (S09E06) 

"After all, what is every man but a horde of ghosts? Oaks that were acorns that were oaks" - Walter de la Mare ()

Strážce (2013) (S09E07) 

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." - Benjamin Franklin ()

Návrat (2013) (S09E08) 

Alfred Hitchcock said: "There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it." ()

Zakázané ovoce (2013) (S09E09) 

"The universe doesn't like secrets. It conspires to reveal the truth, to lead you to it." - Lisa Unger ()

Volající (2013) (S09E10) 

"Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil" - Aristotle ()

Šikana (2013) (S09E11) 

"Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet" - Vietnamese proverb ()

Černá královna (2014) (S09E12) 

"People often say that this or that person ''has not yet found himself'', but the self is not something one finds, it's something one creates" - Thomas Szasz ()

Cesta domů (2014) (S09E13) 

"Beware the fury of a patient man", John Dryden ()

200 (2014) (S09E14) 

"Why should we look to the past in order to prepare for the future? Because there is nowhere else to look."- James Burke ()

Pan a paní Andersonovi (2014) (S09E15) 

Author Jennifer Smith wrote: "Marriage is a mosaic you build with your spouse, millions of tiny moments that creates your love story." ()

Gabby (2014) (S09E16) 

"A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them." - Victor Hugo ()

Přesvědčení (2014) (S09E17) 

"The secret of my influence has always been that it remains secret." - Salvador Dali ()

Vzteklina (2014) (S09E18) 

"It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease, than to know what sort of disease a person has." - Hippocrates ()

Na hraně zimy (2014) (S09E19) 

"No one is ever a victim, although your conquerors will have you believe in your own victimhood. How else could they conquer you?" - Barbara Marciniak ()

Pokrevní příbuzní (2014) (S09E20) 

"The past is never dead. It is not even past." - William Faulker ()

Co se děje v Mecklinburgu… (2014) (S09E21) 

Albert Einstein said: "In matters of truth and justice there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same." ()

Můj šálek kávy (2014) (S09E22) 

"A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it." - Jean de La Fontaine ()

Andělé (2014) (S09E23) 

"The name written on her forehead was a mystery: 'Babylon the Great, the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth'" - Revelations 17:5 ()

Démoni (2014) (S09E24) 

"When truth is buried, it grows, it chokes ,it gathers such an explosive force that on the day it bursts out, it blows up everything with it." - Émile Zola ()

Série 10 (2014) (S10) 

"Death is the only God who comes when you call." - Roger Zelazny ()

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