

Teorie velkého třesku

  • USA The Big Bang Theory (více)
USA, (2007–2019), 95 h 19 min (Minutáž: 18–25 min)


Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, Simon Helberg, Kunal Nayyar, Melissa Rauch, Mayim Bialik, Kevin Sussman, Carol Ann Susi, John Ross Bowie, Aarti Mann (více)
(další profese)

Série(12) / Epizody(279)

Leonard a Sheldon jsou dva brilantní fyzici – kouzelníci v laboratoři, ale společensky nemožní mimo ni. Naštěstí mají po ruce krásnou a svobodomyslnou sousedku Penny, která se je snaží naučit pár věcí o reálném životě. Leonard se věčně snaží hledat lásku, zato Sheldon je naprosto spokojený s videochatováním se svou platonickou partnerkou Amy Sarah Fowlerovou. Nebo s hraním startrekových 3D šachů se stále se rozšiřujícím okruhem známých, a to včetně kolegů vědců Koothrappaliho a Wolowitze a roztomilé mikrobioložky Bernadette, Wolowitzovy novomanželky. (TV Prima)


Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (242)

Selekce hlavní družičky (2011) (S05E08) 

Raj - Mm, I'm thinking about adopting some quirky affectation, like a pipe or a monocle or a handlebar mustache. Howard - For all those girls out there looking for the Indian Monopoly man? ()

Rozptýlení ornitofobie (2011) (S05E09) 

"It's not a death ray. It's just a little ultrasonic blast to scare him off. Trust me, if I had a death ray, I wouldn't be living here. I'd be in my lair enjoying the money the people of Earth gave me for not using my death ray." ()

Rozšíření Válečníků z Ka’a (2011) (S05E10) 

"Are you telling me that Sheldon's patented combination of condescension and no sex isn't enough to hold onto a woman?" ()

Speckermanova repríza (2011) (S05E11) 

"OK, Penny, if it were a game, here are your choices: an email from an old acquaintance or the head of one of the largest religious institutions in the world slam-dunking to Sweet Georgia Brown. Pick." ()

Finta se třpytivou cetkou (2012) (S05E12) 

"If we poison the critical thinking faculties of children by telling them that rabbits come out of hats, then we create adults who believe in astrology and homeopathy and that Ryan Reynolds was a better choice for Green Lantern than lovable rogue Nathan Fillion." ()

Hypotéza rekombinace (2012) (S05E13) 

"I want to build a road, but I need wood. Either of you fellows have wood? I don't understand the laughter. The object of "Settlers of Catan" is to build roads and settlements. To do so requires wood. Now I have sheep; I need wood. Who has wood for my sheep?" ()

Zasvěcení do beta testování (2012) (S05E14) 

"Here's an interesting fact about flags. The flags of Liechtenstein and Haiti were identical by coincidence; a fact that wasn't discovered until they competed against each other at the 1936 Olympics. And thankfully their embarrassment was overshadowed by the rise of fascism." ()

Následky hypotetické katastrofy (2012) (S05E15) 

"My apologies. I would have been here sooner, but the bus kept stopping for other people to get on it." ()

Tip na dovolenou (2012) (S05E16) 

"Hawaii is a former leper colony on top of an active volcano where the disappointing ending to Lost was filmed. Mahalo for nothing, Hawaii." ()

Rothmanova degenerace (2012) (S05E17) 

"I see no other option but to challenge you to a duel. I'd smack you with a glove, but just last week, I packed away my winter things." ()

Sheldonova teorie chaosu (2012) (S05E18) 

"Penny, I know you mean well, offering the skills of the hill-folk. But here in town we don't churn our own butter, we don't make dresses out of gunny sacks, and sure-as-shootin' don't get our hair cut by bottle blonde... I'm sorry. It's the bad boy attitude that comes with this hair." ()

Víkendová vřava (2012) (S05E19) 

"Girlfriend 101: you withhold sex from him. But, that only works once Sheldon reaches puberty." ()

Porucha transportéru (2012) (S05E20) 

"I hate wedding receptions. I wish the bride and groom would take a cue from Bilbo Baggins; slip on the ring, disappear, and everyone goes home." ()

Hawkingova excitace (2012) (S05E21) 

"Yeah yeah, I know. He's the wheelchair dude who invented time." ()

Rozlučkové fiasko (2012) (S05E22) 

"Come on Leonard. It's you. What's gonna happen? I mean, even if there was a stripper, all you'd do is avoid eye contact and maybe offer to help her kid with his homework." ()

Akcelerace startu (2012) (S05E23) 

"So, that's how this works? I complain, and then you complain, and no one offers any solutions? Well, no wonder the women are winning." ()

Reflexe odpočtu (2012) (S05E24) 

"Thank you for the invitation, but I have to decline because it doesn't sound like something I'll enjoy." ()

Série 6 (2012) (S06) 

"Of course I listen to myself. It's one of the great joys of my life." ()

Variabilita večera ve dvou (2012) (S06E01) 

"Absolutely. You're the girl, I'm the guy. Now, you watch your football game while I make you a little plate here." ()

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