

Recenze (1)


všechny recenze uživatele (k tomuto seriálu)

Show him you are in control. Standard field dressing. The real damage wont begin to heal for at least a year. Three yrs out, you will still feel her. Owen! She need to know her enemies wont show her the same mercy. Shes reaching her treshold. Positioning Division as a common enemy. Shes clever, you have to give her that. Which is the point of the test. To push the recruits to their limits. You were sold to sex traffickers. Theres 5000 dollars in that envelope and a fake drivers license. That should get you started. To bude sněhu. Todle nedává absolutně žádnej smysl. Kdyby ji tam poslala, tak by ji asi upozornila předem, že ji budou vyslýchat. A když to slyšela v telefonu, tak to nejhorší, co mohla udělat, bylo jet za ní. Takhle blbej není nikdo. A zachránila je zase jen blbá náhoda! Taky by si zjistili, komu telefonovala. Takhle blbá zase není Divize. I was worried somebody else might have gotten to you. A dead body on the outside begs a lit of questions. But in here, none. Agent Khamera had a gun that was loaded with blanks (proč by měl taky ostrou, že jo). And he was given strict orders to let her escape. You are sick. Both of you. You have been at Division long enough to know there are many kinds of tests. Sometimes you have no idea you are being tested. The truth is what we choose to believe to. Mají stejnou barvu vlasu. Celý je to laděný v takovzm hnědým tonu. Včetně tý plochy na monitoru předtím. I have to do this on my own. Sorry. ()



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