

Avengers: Endgame

  • USA Avengers: Endgame (více)
Trailer 2
USA, 2019, 182 min


Stan Lee (komiks), Jack Kirby (komiks)


Trent Opaloch


Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Don Cheadle, Paul Rudd, Benedict Cumberbatch (více)
(další profese)


Hrozivé události způsobené Thanosem, který vyhladil polovinu života ve vesmíru a silně oslabil Avengers, vedou zbylé superhrdiny k tomu, aby ve strhujícím finále 22 filmů studia Marvel zvaném Avengers: Endgame sebrali poslední síly a pokusili se vrátit úder. (Falcon)



silentname (hodnocení, recenze)

Prečo sa nemôžeme jednoducho iba tešiť na film a užiť si ho bez toho, aby sa tu našli ľudia, ktorí chcú druhým kaziť dojem? Akosi tomu iba nerozumiem.

na příspěvěk reagoval Nevka


hrdygay (hodnocení, recenze)


spravim si dalsi nick

6 dni stare spoilery, po dnesnej premiere niektorymi uzivatelmi potvrdene, ze su pravdive 


Komi98 (hodnocení, recenze)

hrdygay , Nevka

Kéž by to blokování fungovalo i pro diskuze... Nechápu totiž pak, jaký to má moc význam...


Jinak ty buzíku. Už jsem si tě minimálně v poště bloknul.... A jak jsem psal, zde chodit prostě nebudu.

Jen bych mě zajímalo, jak staré ty tvé spoilery jsou...

na příspěvěk reagoval hrdygay


Komi98 (hodnocení, recenze)

Hlavně si film užijte, a když už přečtete spoiler, tak tomu buď zkuste jít naproti, tj.. říkat si, že se už o tom mluvilo... (teď mám na mysli smrt různých postav), nebo tu informaci prostě zkuste zapomenout, třeba tím, že si budete říkat, že to prostě není pravda.. Někdy to opravdu funguje. Sám to znám z Avengers: Infinity War, kdy jsem úplně zapomněl na smrt Gamory ;)


Ratemus (hodnocení, recenze)


Nebudu protože spojlery mi nevadí ale to jsem ti už říkal takže buď neumíš česky nebo jsi prostě jen dement co nerozumí psanému textu...hezký den

na příspěvěk reagoval hrdygay


Komi98 (hodnocení, recenze)

Jinak, tady se minimálně do středy loučím, mějte se fajně, a ahoj ;)

na příspěvěk reagoval hrdygay


S.W.A.T (hodnocení, recenze)

Myslim, že by někdo technicky schopný právě mohl ty jeho příspěvky vyfotit a poslat je někomu, kdo by mu mohl klidně zakázat psát do diskuzí. Ta představa že by už v diskuzích neopruzoval je lákavá.

na příspěvěk reagoval Ratemus


Ratemus (hodnocení, recenze)


No právě:-D normální člověk kterému spojlery vadí, sem už nechodí. Tahle hrdehomyman manova demence se dala čekat, hlavně nikoho nenasere, zase akorát vzbudí lítost sám nad sebou

na příspěvěk reagoval hrdygay


hrdygay (hodnocení, recenze)


to je dokaz, ze som cital spoilery, budem vam vypisovat jednotlive casti zo spoilerov, zase vam dojebem film ako pred rokom, historia sa opakuje


hrdygay (hodnocení, recenze)


Tony dies for real at the end. His is the only death aside from Thanos and Thanos' army. Apparently he wore the Gauntlet and flipped the bird to Thanos lol. Tony gets a really good goodbye scene. Cap tries to basically take his place but the gauntlet won’t respond to him. Tony himself glows orange almost like he was the embodiment of the Soul Stone, but there’s no exposition on this or anything.
Nat died, but then was brought back the big battle when Cap destroyed the Soul Stone. This is also when everyone who was snapped away comes back.
Cap lives, but goes back to stay in the past after saying "I'll be there when you need me." to Fury.
Bucky gives him a big goodbye, then jokes "can I get the suit" and Cap says "I'm not done with it yet"
Bucky stays in the present because he gets a job offer
Thor lives. Still God of Thunder. Endgame sets up a potential Thor 4 with Thor, Valkyrie, and Rocket discussing the building of New Asgard.
Cap heard Bucky's voice which made him think about reviving the dusted ones.
Movie starts with "this is not a test"
Katherine Langford plays Tony's daughter but only in a dream.
Tony says to Pepper in their reunion: "Think we can still make our 8:30?"
Hela was mentioned by name, did not appear.
Stan Lee cameo is in a car show from the 1970s, told by Scott Lang, in Luis' style.
The first time Hulk shows up, Thanos has just been killed on Titan II so he finally comes out but they’re on Earth and Tony is like “really dude?”
It's heavily implied that Pepper is pregnant.
Captain Marvel is absent for most of it. Shows up in the beginning to answer the distress call, they kill Thanos, she leaves to help other planets rebuild. Doesn’t show back up til the final battle where she wrecks shit.
Hulk does not lose an arm. There’s a comment about how he should but he’s got regenerative properties in his tissue.
Past Cap vs Present Cap. Past Cap thinks Present Cap is Loki.
In the battle of New York there is a really funny scene where you’ve seen the two Caps fighting but they make it to Loki and he basically says “I’m not doing this...” and present Cap uses the opportunity to knock out past Cap and Loki says “Thank you”
Loki is also featured in a dream like sequence Thor has.
Thor gets a pep talk from his mother.
Carol and Valkyrie team up to take down one of Thanos ships and have a semi “that could have been flirting” moment.
According to u/Brontcrab24 who talked to OP, OP said credit scene is a tribute to everyone who made the MCU what it is today.
I'll update this comment as the OP updates lmao


Apparently Cap goes back in time to dance with Peggy (lol)
Most memorable line in OP's opinion is "He was Iron Man"
The film supposedly ends with Carol flying off to hide the remaining stones throughout the galaxy.
Cap's shield broke because he destroyed the Soul Stone. Someone asked OP how does Cap know to destroy the Soul Stone to bring the dusted ones back and OP replied with "He heard Bucky through it"
No explanation for Carol's new suit and haircut. Just a timeskip.
Final battle takes place on Vomir. Vormir is weird, it’s not bound by time. Basically Thanos dictates that’s where the battle be.When Thanos figures out what they are doing, it’s weird it’s like he figures it out and prevents his own death from earlier in the film by coming back in time. Thanos [in the final battle] is the Thanos that did the snap and realizes what’s up, but it’s also a Thanos that would have been killed in like two days
Nick Fury and Carol reunite. No mention of Goose.
OP said this in a now-deleted comment: "Ok I really didn’t want to answer this because I thought it was amazing and didn’t want it being spoiled. There aren’t postcredit scenes like normal, there is a montage of the last 10 years of Marvel studios and everyone who made it possible to be what it is today. It’s pretty special."
credit to u/SaturdaySmile “I sent the user a PM a few questions and he just responded to two. I asked which of the female leads had the biggest role, Black Widow or Nebula, he said Nebula. The other question he responded was about if the Russos get Captain Marvel right and he said her role was kind of small but she stands out in her scenes and she does fight Thanos and fucks him up but she's not the one who kills him in the first act, Thor is the one who delivers the final blow.” OP said this is a lie. OP did not send this PM.
My personal thought: I'm not a fan of the "Cap goes back in time" ending at all while Bucky stays in the present (thinking about it makes me angry and I can't even start to explain). The rest of the plot is plausible. The OP seemed to be genuine and polite in their answers, handled critics rather well, and provided some very specific details and quotes when asked. I guess we'll all see in a week!


YAY, MORE UPDATES FROM THE OP IN THE COMMENTS OF THIS VERY THREAD (welcome OP to this thread on April 17, afternoon, EST, thanks for sharing yada yada I don't believe stuff you said but I'll entertain):

Hulk himself is maturing and realizes his physique with Banner's brain would be unstoppable. So instead of fighting over the wheel, they become Co pilots.
When you guys actually see how they handle the Cap thing I think you'll change your mind. He's not ruining everyone's life, he's closing a time loop. Look there are a few things I really don't want to spoil because no one is even guessing them and there needs to be some crazy woah moments so I won't go into detail but Peggy straight up tells him to come home. It's one of the most touching, mind-blowing moments in the entire MCU. Kind of interesting you never saw her husband, right? Man you guys are coming close to ruining the most emotional part of the movie. Are you sure this is how you want to learn this?
Nebula is in the climactic final war.

Alright because this is bothering so many people I’m going to explain the Cap ending. If you have any self control I urge you not to read this as it was a pretty special scene.

Cap visits Peggy’s grave and Fury appears behind him, says he was told to give this to Cap when the time is right and that he thinks it’s right.

It’s a letter from Peggy. She apologizes for not being able to tell him before but that the world needed Cap first, but now that he’s saved the world it’s time to come home. She says he knows where to meet her. Cap is kind of confused and Fury says “She always was a mystery when it came to her private life.” Cap understands and and tells Fury to call if he’s ever needed. He later says goodbye to Bucky and Sam and jokes that Bucky can’t have his suit because “I don’t think I’m quite done with it yet.”

Cap goes back in time and shows up at the dance hall. Peggy is waiting for him. She shows him how to dance slowly and then asks if he can keep up. “I could do this all day.” are the final words from Cap in the movie.

A lot of people are not understanding that Cap was always Peggy’s husband. He’s not changing anything, he’s closing his own time loop. He will still be found on ice in 2012, still go through everything he goes through, and then go back in time and be with Peggy. They leave the door open for him to travel to the future if he’s needed after the events of Endgame too.


Oh hey more comments:

Pepper Potts in the rescue armor, helps the Avengers in the final battle
Tony dies in her arms


April 18 (EST) update:

When asked about Gamora being dead and Nat being revived and time travel logistics, OP said: "It’s seriously not even explained in the movie. They do say time travel won’t fix everything and that’s it."


April 21 (EST) early morning update:

I'm just gonna copy and paste from OP's comments:

I can’t believe how many people hate Cap’s ending. The way it is shot, the music, the way they both aren’t even sure what’s happening is real... it’s so beautiful. I was crying like a baby and I don’t cry at movies. If you guys hate this movie just because of that... damn.
But it’s like legitimately my favorite scene in the MCU ever, and Evans is so good in the scene you can literally see the burden of the world he’s always carried roll off his shoulders. And the way he delivers that last fucking line “I could do this all day...” Fucking a man you have to be heartless if that doesn’t get you.
She’s been going to that place a long time though and turning down soldiers asking her to dance.
Cap And Peggy dancing to Earth Angel.
There is a casting call for white female engineers in the 1960s. OP apparently think these are for people "working on the pipes" as Cap walks into a building.
OP thinks Pratt (Star Lord) says he wants to look for Gamora at the end but she doesn’t come back and it’s not explained why.
Wanda is 100% going to be a villain next time we see her. She’s pissed and she lost Vision and her eyes glow red
Thanos basically makes his stand at Vormir, he doesn’t bring anyone there that’s just where he wants to fight.
Steve is at Tony's funeral, but only Pepper and Happy delivered a speech.
OP also confirms that the following 4chan leak is 100% accurate:

Tony kills Thanos and all his armies with a middle finger. Tony dies. Tony’s last words are to Pepper and they are the ones from the first teaser. Happy has the saddest line of the movie “He was Ironman” at Tony’s funeral Peeper is shown with a pregnant belly Cap goes back in time after a talk with Fury and reading a letter from Peggy and walks through the doors at precisely 8 o clock on the dot for that dance. Captain Marvel takes the Stones away except the time stone where she believes it is safest with Strange, Thor Valkyrie Rocket and Groot discuss exploring a place to put Asgard, Hulk is Hulk forever, Wanda seems determined to figure out a way to bring Vision back and she doesn’t exactly come across as a good guy in her final scenes, Black Panther wants Shurri to take his mantle while he focuses on being king, Clint finishes teaching his daughter to shoot, Black Widow is promoted to just under Fury, Peter Quill, Drax, and Mantis want to search for a way to bring Gamora back Film ends with new Avengers + Hulk and Black Widow watching Captain Marvel fly off with stones, Strange, Marvel, Peter, Shurri, Bucky, and Widow all say the lines from “There was an idea” from a birds eye view the smashed Avengers logo has formed into a new A and the credits roll with Black Sabbath and we get a look back at the beginnings of Marvel Studios and how far they’ve come.
Last you see of Sam is when he says goodbye to Cap and Cap makes him promise he will look after Bucky. Bucky is an Avenger now in the end, he even says one of the line.
Big big big fucking spoiler. There is only one Soul Stone. It’s when they get the Soul Stone that alerts Thanos something is up. But yeah. Multiple of the others can exist but not the soul stone.
Iron Man by Black Sabbath plays over the credits at first, but will change.
Q: Is Thanos in a separate plane of reality lol? He dies in Act 1 first right? How can he even physically realize this? A: Because he loses the Soul Stone. There is a scene early on in the movie where he’s like chilling and shit (basically a day in the life thing lol) and that same scene is repeated and the Soul Stone vanishes from his gauntlet so he knows what’s up.
April 21 night (EST) updates:

Q: You say that Captain America destroys the Soul Stone then how does Stark use the gauntlet to snap away Thanos and his armies? Does Stark become a human soul stone because he sacrifices himself? Makes no sense.A: Sheer will.
Captain Marvel doesn’t have a very big role in this film.
The Soul Stone is not bound by time or space and can not be possessed like the other stones. When Nat sacrifices herself, the Stone is given to Clint there. In that same instance, it vanishes from future Thanos’ gauntlet. So Thanos is going to Vormir to get it back.


April 22 night (EST) updates:

It’s a photo montage of the last ten years of Marvel Studios. Serious and funny pics.
STEVE SAVED HIMSELF TOO. He didn’t get out because of him he got out to see Peggy again.
Takes Tony and his will to destroy Thanos. “Requires the strongest Will”
Sam doesn’t get the shield. I’ll put my future children on that. But I’ve told you from the get go there are things I didn’t want to spoil. Besides, it’s not the shield [Bucky and Sam] want. And want is half joking when they ask. It’s the suit.
It ends with marvel flying off with the stones.

Previously he claimed the final battle was at Vomir. He has since corrected it to Titan.

Ok well this has been embarrassing. The planet I thought was vormir is Titan. The original Titan. Not going to lie I used the bathroom for that one.
Because the Stones give you the power to do whatever you want, it’s not just kill half of everyone. It takes insane will to command them.
“8 degrees off its axis” comment gets a payoff.

na příspěvěk reagoval Ratemus, luka4615, Prometheus69, simo.n


hrdygay (hodnocení, recenze)

spoilery: iron man zomrie, jeho posledne slovo: pepper, captain america sa vrati do minulosti k peggy


Nevka (hodnocení, recenze)


Jde o to, co člověk čekal. Taky jsem tento komentář četl, ale potom byla spousta věcí, kde mi kamarád popisoval, že podle úniku je to plné uskutečněných teorií, ze kterých jsme si prostě dělali srandu :D

na příspěvěk reagoval silentname


Nevka (hodnocení, recenze)

Jinak je pravděpodobné, že ten únik pocházel přímo od Marvelu. Ty záběry z něho jsou totiž i v některých posledních spotech :D


Komi98 (hodnocení, recenze)

Prý jeden z posledních Special Looks:

Nejsou tam žádné nové záběry, takže se nemusíte ničeho bát. Je to jen minutová upoutávka, která ukazuje starší záběry různých postav, a která pobízí diváky, aby si konec užili se vším všudy, bez spoilerování a podobně... ;)


Nevka (hodnocení, recenze)


K těm novinářům a infu z titulků. Na té premiéře dostaneš kompletní materiály k filmu, takže tento typ informací nemusíš v titulcích hledat :D

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