

Debbie a její parťačky

  • USA Ocean's 8 (více)
Trailer 1
USA, 2018, 110 min


Gary Ross


Gary Ross, Olivia Milch


Eigil Bryld


Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, Sarah Paulson, Helena Bonham Carter, Rihanna, Mindy Kaling, Awkwafina, Richard Armitage, James Corden (více)
(další profese)


Hvězdně obsazený film volně navazující na legendární sérii Dannyho parťáci. Debbie a její tým mají smělý plán loupeže, kterou se chystají provést na velkolepé kostýmní gala přehlídce celebrit v newyorském Metropolitním muzeu. (Vertical Entertainment)


Ocean's 8

Ocean's 8

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: WaterTower Music

Rok: 2018

Země: USA

Formát: CD

Stopáž: 01:06:52

Poznámky: CD-R on demand.

1. 5 Years, 8 Months And 12 Days Daniel Pemberton 00:38
2. NYC Larceny Daniel Pemberton 03:47
3. We Are Going To Rob It Daniel Pemberton 02:38
4. Taking Out The Trash Daniel Pemberton 01:48
5. Nine-Ball Daniel Pemberton 03:40
6. Deborah Ocean Daniel Pemberton 02:53
7. Okell Bongos '63 Daniel Pemberton 02:15
8. Seven Van Plan Daniel Pemberton 02:56
9. Hacking The Met Daniel Pemberton 02:34
10. "Fugue In D Minor" Johann Sebastian Bach 02:43
11. Brooklyn Necklace Daniel Pemberton 02:53
12. The Gala Plan Daniel Pemberton 01:58
13. Diamonds And Magnets Daniel Pemberton 01:49
14. The Investigator Daniel Pemberton 03:05
15. The Spy Daniel Pemberton 03:52
16. In Vogue Daniel Pemberton 02:11
17. CCTV Blindspot Daniel Pemberton 01:30
18. Sealing The Exits Daniel Pemberton 02:39
19. Four Old Ladies Daniel Pemberton 02:39
20. Sloppy Soup Samba Daniel Pemberton 02:52
21. Game On! Daniel Pemberton 04:28
22. "Fugue In D Minor (Reprise)" Johann Sebastian Bach 01:29
23. The Actual Heist Daniel Pemberton 04:43
24. Moog Necklace Daniel Pemberton 04:52
Ocean's 8

Ocean's 8

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: Sony Classical

Rok: 2018

Země: Německo

Formát: CD

Stopáž: 01:06:53

1. 5 Years, 8 Months And 12 Days Daniel Pemberton 00:38
2. NYC Larceny Daniel Pemberton 03:47
3. We Are Going To Rob It Daniel Pemberton 02:38
4. Taking Out The Trash Daniel Pemberton 01:48
5. Nine-Ball Daniel Pemberton 03:40
6. Deborah Ocean Daniel Pemberton 02:53
7. Okell Bongos '63 Daniel Pemberton 02:15
8. Seven Van Plan Daniel Pemberton 02:56
9. Hacking The Met Daniel Pemberton 02:34
10. "Fugue In D Minor" Johann Sebastian Bach 02:43
11. Brooklyn Necklace Daniel Pemberton 02:53
12. The Gala Plan Daniel Pemberton 01:59
13. Diamonds And Magnets Daniel Pemberton 01:49
14. The Investigator Daniel Pemberton 03:05
15. The Spy Daniel Pemberton 03:52
16. In Vogue Daniel Pemberton 02:11
17. CCTV Blindspot Daniel Pemberton 01:30
18. Sealing The Exits Daniel Pemberton 02:39
19. Four Old Ladies Daniel Pemberton 02:39
20. Sloppy Soup Samba Daniel Pemberton 02:52
21. Game On! Daniel Pemberton 04:28
22. "Fugue In D Minor (Reprise)" Johann Sebastian Bach 01:29
23. The Actual Heist Daniel Pemberton 04:43
24. Moog Necklace Daniel Pemberton 04:52

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