



vodkasesemte (hodnocení, recenze)

Last night got way out of hand (už zase). And I said some things, a lot of things, actually. I m sorry (tak to příště neřikej). I know we can get through this. I do. I m not so sure about that. I wanted last night to be special (jak se s tím kuchtil), like culmination of everything that we have build together (to je co), you know like a kind of a celebration of our family. And you said something that (já ani nvm, co řekla) you know, kind of stuck with me (so fucking blind). Can I just please finish (jo, jen se vyplakej)? Of course (mám na krajíčku). I thought about it all night. And it kinda clicked that maybe you are right. Not just about last night. We dont see eye to eye on how to parent our kids. Jennas abviously not adjusting to this family dynamic (kdo je to, doktor práv). I love you, but I have never argued with someone so much. Arguing can be good. Thats how you work stuff out. I think we should take a step back. I cant choose you and Henry over her. Do you have to choose? Jenna has to be my priority. Great. Posralas to, holčičko. Zase. Je to dobrej seriál, ačkoli v druhé serii trochu pokulhává. I m really fucking sorry. You always treated me like shit (patetická). I always kept your secrets (tak to seš hustá). I m done with you. You are toxic and abusive – hele, nezabouchla se do ní náhodou, ta pýča – and a mess. And I dont want you in my life. No to je jasný, proto má ty špatný známky ve škole. You are married? Technically. I m so mad at myself. Its not your fault at all. They seem sick, like, mentally unwell. Keep your guard up and maybe take your teaser. A life of privilege is also a gift. Never worrying about money, about what you are gonna eat. Dont be such a fucking victim. The pressure, the fucking emotional abuse, the withholding. Now we are both free. I m really not in the mood for this (home video). Kelly Lee Owens – Keep Walking Playing. You promised you would not ask me for anything again. City through the window, make it our own, run to it. Plastic cherry blossom…

