



vodkasesemte (hodnocení, recenze)

-         Why? Už ti řekl why. Ten idiot s tím chtěl jít na veřejnost, protože byl impotentní

-         This is my path of salvation

-         Nahrazuješ jí syna, kterýho jsi jí zabil, to je tvuj trest

-         Fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake. Then a spirit passed before my face and the hair of my flesh stood up. It stood still but I could not discern the form thereof – an image was before mine eyes (John 4/15)

-         This is your purpose? An angel? I dont understant (tak to jsme dva)

-         I m protecting her (aha)

-         What happened to Anna? Did you killed her too?

-         No jasně. Nakonec bude na jeho místě. Chránit sama sebe

-         I was protecting us

-         Anna is good person. Shes not like Bill or Nikolai. Here dont do this

-         Nikolai byl taky dobrej člověk

-         You are sick. Henry, theres something wrong with you! A ty máš špatný známky ve škole!

-         You are a fucking monster! Fucking monster? Really fucking? Napadla mě ta písnička od Eminema a Rihanny, co ted furt hrajou v rádiu. Dont fucking say that! Like Nikolai

-         Proč nepoužil světelnej meč, co měl na polici?

-         Jéé, tahaly se o telefon. Negrošku odnesla zpátky do pralesa. To je toho

-         Maybe we just go, anywhere

-         Dinner in bed is always better

-         Je to dobrej seriál, nehrajou tam žádný zvířata

-         Jak mohli zabít Nikolaje? Takovej propracovanej charakter

-         You know me, I m a straight-A student. Give me another chance

-         Its okay not to be okay. But ignoring it wont make it any less real

-         Uh, Mom, I m in the middle of a game

-         You see, my generation, we didnt talk about this sort of thing

-         In the end, you have to live with what you have done. It will be between you and God, and you cant escape Him

-         You think all angels are perfect and shit?

-         You gotta read the Bible, bcs thats not what they are, and that is not who I think you are

-         I killed your father. You also walked through fire without getting burned

-         And I have got faith, that if you can just clear all this noise, that you will know too

-         The Lord will open a path for you. But you gotta open your eyes to see

-         Doing whats right isnt always whats easy

-         MOODY MUSIC

-         You are afraid to get mad and, like, actually feel things (pejskaři to maj obráceně, nejradši by ji vykastrovali jako svoje čtyřnohý kamarády)

-         I dont wanna burden you with my problems, unless you want to be burdened

-         No nvm, nechal bych to tak, jak to je

-         Henchmen serving not a hero but a villain (jéé, co udělala tak špatnýho – to byla přece Nikolajevova cesta)

-         Our first mission is time-sensitive

-         I need to find someone (jo, opice se nám ztratila, málem bych zapomněl)


-         Ta pýča zlikvidovala jedinýho člověka, kterej jí doopravdy rozuměl, prožíval to samý. Todle nebylo od scénáristu moc chitrý. Jen protože ustřelil kedlubnu jejímu slaboduchýmu tatínkovi. Jsem rád, že v tom dál nehraje


-         Už se zase hádaj

-         How many places have we lived? Dyt to je super, ne?

-         Deep down I know that

-         You think bcs you rented this fucking apartment and you bought fucking bowls that everythings gonna be okay? Chci vidět ji v její roli, až se nechá zbouchnout

-         Because we have each other? Well, its not, bcs I dont want you (tak to bylo krutý)

-         I m sorry thats not good enough. I m sorry that I cant give you more

-         How many times do you want me to apologize? I dont know what the fuck you want

-         I want you to be better than you are (to je dobrá odpověd)

-         I cant be doing this. I cant be everything to you

-         Will you stop being so dramatic?

-         I dont want to end up like you

-         I dont want you to end like me either

-         I think you are just fuckin sad, lonely woman, and no one is ever going to love you!

-         Jo, spojili ty charaktery dohromady. Není to špatnej závěr. A má pravdu. A navíc, kdo by chtěl kladnýho superhrdinu? Těch už tady bylo. A mužou si za to vlastně sami, když ji začli obvinovat ze zla, které se kolem nich odehrálo. Nikdo neměl dost porozumění

-         You think you deserve better than this, but you dont and you never will (ta umí dát emoce najevo). I see the way that you are. Pining for mens attention, asking them for job, acting weak (už z ní mluví demon – nechala se posednout)

-         Its probably why I asked Clay for help in the first place. Its why I ended up in that truck. And its why he raped me. Its your fault! What he did to me is bcs of you. Everything bad thats ever happened to me is bcs of you

-         Prove that you are not weak, that you dont need me!

-         Get out of my fucking face (tak tomu řikám rodinka)

-         I never want to see you again

-         Hes rapist. Hes your son. I dont even know how to be around him

-         To je super. Jí se stalo něco podobnýho, a ted od matky nemuže čekat žádnou pomoc

-         Padlá generace, která žije v přepychu, akorát jim chybějí ty zvířata v postelích

-         Ted začne ke všemu vidět duchy

-         We will be so high. I m flying, towards the sun. I am dying rigt into the light

-         Tremble I dont wanna tear your heart out but I m ending on a breakdown. You dont wanna admit it, but you are stuck in my system

-         You have no idea what you started

-         Sink or swim, life and limb, heads or tails, soul to sell

