


  • USA Predator (více)
Trailer 1


Arnold Schwarzenegger má jako major Dutch v Predátorovi vcelku rutinní úkol, vysvobodit několik amerických vojáků ze zajetí partyzánů uprostřed džungle. Nakonec se ale musí utkat s daleko tajemnějším a nebezpečnějším nepřítelem. On i jeho muži čelí děsivému mimozemšťanovi, který postaví americké hrdiny poprvé v životě před opravdový strach. (Pannonia Ent.)





Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: Real Gone

Rok: 2017

Země: USA

Formát: LP

Stopáž: 01:15:32

Poznámky: LImited edition.

Tracklist CD 1 Stopáž: 38:21
1. SIDE A: Fox Logo Elliot Goldenthal, Alfred Newman 00:26
2. Main Title Alan Silvestri 03:52
3. Something Else / Cut 'Em Down / Payback Time Alan Silvestri 07:37
4. The Truck Alan Silvestri 04:23
5. Jungle Trek Alan Silvestri 01:48
6. SIDE B: Girl's Escape Alan Silvestri 05:59
7. Blain's Death Alan Silvestri 00:47
8. What Happened? Alan Silvestri 02:01
9. He's My Friend Alan Silvestri 01:26
10. We're Gonna Die Alan Silvestri 03:29
11. Building The Trap Alan Silvestri 03:06
12. The Waiting Alan Silvestri 03:27
Tracklist CD 2 Stopáž: 37:11
1. SIDE A: Can You See Him? Alan Silvestri 04:52
2. Dillon's Death Alan Silvestri 02:05
3. Billy And Predator Alan Silvestri 02:36
4. Dutch Builds Trap Alan Silvestri 09:29
5. SIDE B: Predator Injured Alan Silvestri 04:15
6. Hand To Hand Combat Alan Silvestri 03:10
7. Predator's Death Alan Silvestri 03:43
8. The Aftermath / The Pick-Up And End Credits Alan Silvestri 07:01


Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: Intrada Records

Rok: 2012

Země: USA

Formát: CD

Stopáž: 01:15:32

1. Fox Logo Elliot Goldenthal, Alfred Newman 00:26
2. Main Title Alan Silvestri 03:52
3. Something Else / Cut 'Em Down / Payback Time Alan Silvestri 07:37
4. The Truck Alan Silvestri 04:23
5. Jungle Trek Alan Silvestri 01:48
6. Girl's Escape Alan Silvestri 05:59
7. Blain's Death Alan Silvestri 00:47
8. What Happened? Alan Silvestri 02:01
9. He's My Friend Alan Silvestri 01:26
10. We're Gonna Die Alan Silvestri 03:29
11. Building The Trap Alan Silvestri 03:06
12. The Waiting Alan Silvestri 03:27
13. Can You See Him? Alan Silvestri 04:52
14. Dillon's Death Alan Silvestri 02:05
15. Billy And Predator Alan Silvestri 02:36
16. Dutch Builds Trap Alan Silvestri 09:29
17. Predator Injured Alan Silvestri 04:15
18. Hand To Hand Combat Alan Silvestri 03:10
19. Predator's Death Alan Silvestri 03:43
20. The Aftermath / The Pick-Up And End Credits Alan Silvestri 07:01


Vydal: Intrada Records

Rok: 2010

Země: USA

Formát: CD

Stopáž: 01:14:38

Poznámky: Limited edition.

1. Fox Logo Elliot Goldenthal, Alfred Newman 00:28
2. Main Title Alan Silvestri 03:53
3. Something Else / Cut 'Em Down / Payback Time Alan Silvestri 07:39
4. The Truck Alan Silvestri 04:24
5. Jungle Trek Alan Silvestri 01:49
6. Girl's Escape / Blaine's Death Alan Silvestri 06:41
7. What Happened? Alan Silvestri 02:03
8. He's My Friend Alan Silvestri 01:27
9. We're Gonna Die Alan Silvestri 03:31
10. Building The Trap Alan Silvestri 03:07
11. The Waiting Alan Silvestri 03:28
12. Can You See Him? Alan Silvestri 04:53
13. Dillon's Death Alan Silvestri 02:06
14. Billy And Predator Alan Silvestri 02:34
15. Dutch Builds Trap Alan Silvestri 09:28
16. Predator Injured / Hand To Hand Combat Alan Silvestri 07:23
17. Predator's Death Alan Silvestri 03:44
18. The Pick-Up And End Credits Alan Silvestri 06:00


Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: Varese Sarabande Club

Rok: 2003

Země: USA

Formát: CD

Stopáž: 01:13:08

Poznámky: Limited Edition.

1. Twentieth Century Fox Fanfare Elliot Goldenthal, Alfred Newman 00:27
2. Main Title Alan Silvestri 03:51
3. Something Else Alan Silvestri 03:34
4. Cut 'Em Down Alan Silvestri 01:56
5. Payback Time Alan Silvestri 02:09
6. The Truck Alan Silvestri 04:22
7. Jungle Trek Alan Silvestri 01:47
8. The Girl's Escape Alan Silvestri 06:00
9. Blaine's Death Alan Silvestri 02:47
10. He's My Friend Alan Silvestri 01:26
11. We're All Gonna Die Alan Silvestri 03:32
12. Building A Trap Alan Silvestri 03:02
13. The Waiting Alan Silvestri 03:27
14. The Hunt Is On Alan Silvestri 04:51
15. Dillon Is Disarmed Alan Silvestri 02:07
16. Billy Stands Alone Alan Silvestri 02:34
17. Battle Plans Alan Silvestri 09:24
18. Wounded Predator Alan Silvestri 04:14
19. Hand To Hand Combat Alan Silvestri 03:12
20. Predator's Big Finish Alan Silvestri 03:42
21. The Rescue And End Credits Alan Silvestri 04:44

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