

Akta X

  • USA The X-Files (více)
Trailer 4
Drama / Horor / Thriller / Mysteriózní / Sci-Fi / Komedie
USA / Kanada, (1993–2018), 162 h 42 min (Minutáž: 42–86 min)


Chris Carter


Mark Snow


Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Mitch Pileggi, Robert Patrick, Annabeth Gish, William B. Davis, Tom Braidwood, Bruce Harwood, Dean Haglund, Nicholas Lea (více)
(další profese)

VOD (1)

Série(11) / Epizody(217)

Pravda je tam venku a agenti FBI po ní v tomto fenomenálním sci-fi seriálu pátrají a pokoušejí se vysvětlit zdánlivě nevysvětlitelné. Jejich podivné případy se týkají sledování UFO, setkání s mimozemšťany a únosů… a prakticky všeho paranormálního. (Disney+)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (219)

Trojúhelník (1998) (S06E03) 

"Yeah, you're all big men now, but wait until you get to Russia. I hope you fellas like the cold!" ()

Země snů I (1998) (S06E04) 

"Don't you ever just want to stop? Get out of the damn car? Settle down and live something approaching a normal life?" ()

Země snů II (1998) (S06E05) 

"Hey Grandma Top Gun, will you shut the hell up?" ()

Jak duch ukradl Vánoce (1998) (S06E06) 

"The dark, gothic manor... the, uh, omnipresent low fog hugging the thicket of overgrowth... Wait- is that a hound I hear baying out on the moors?" ()


Něžnůstky (1999) (S06E07) 

"Scully, this is a classic case of demon fetal harvest- what they called in the middle ages atum nocturnem-- the impregnation of an unwitting woman by a dark lord of the underworld..." ()

Dešťový král (1999) (S06E08) 

"Scully, I don't think it's a coincidence that a cow gets hurled at me just as we're down here investigating the weather. Mulder: I'm telling you, that cow had my name on it." ()

S.R. 819 (1999) (S06E09) 

"Every minute of every day, we choose. Who we are. Who we forgive. Who we defend and protect. To choose a side or to walk the line. To play the middle. To straddle the fence between what is and what should be. This was the course I chose. Trying to find the delicate balance of interests that can never exist. Choosing by not choosing. Defending a center which cannot hold. So death chose for me." ()

Fotograf smrti (1999) (S06E10) 

Dana Scully - You know, most people want to live forever. Alfred Fellig - Most people are idiots, which is one of the reasons I don't. ()

Dva otcové (1999) (S06E11) 

"This is the end. I never thought I'd hear myself say those words after all these years. You put your life into something... build it, protect it... The end is as unimaginable as your own death or the death of your children. I could never have scripted the events that led us to this. None of us could. All the brilliant men... the secret that we kept so well. It happened simply, like this. We had a perfect conspiracy with an alien race. Aliens who were coming to reclaim this planet and to destroy all human life. Our job was to secretly prepare the way for their invasion. To create for them a slave race of human/alien hybrids. They were good plans... right plans. Kept secret for over 50 years, ever since the crash at Roswell. Kept secret from men like Fox Mulder. Plans that would have worked had not a rebel alien race come to destroy them. Had not my own son chosen betrayal. Or chosen to betray more wisely." ()

Jedináček (1999) (S06E12) 

"Two men, young, idealistic - the fine product of a generation hardened by world war. Two fathers whose paths would converge in a new battle - an invisible war between a silent enemy and a sleeping giant on a scale to dwarf all historical conflicts. A 50-years war, its killing fields lying in wait for the inevitable global holocaust. Theirs was the dawn of Armageddon. And while the world was unaware, unwitting spectators to the hurly-burly of the decades-long struggle between heaven and earth there were those who prepared for the end; who measured the size and power of the enemy, and faced the choices: stand and fight, or bow to the will of a fearsome enemy. Or to surrender - to yield and collaborate. To save themselves and stay their enemy's hand. Men who believed that victory was the absence of defeat and survival the ultimate ideology... No matter what the sacrifice." ()

Zlá voda (1999) (S06E13) 

"Don't sneer at the mysteries of the deep, young lady. The bottom of the ocean is as deep and dark as the imagination." ()

Pondělí (1999) (S06E14) 

"Well, you know, some Freudians believe the deja vu phenomenon to be repressed memories escaping the unconscious. That it represents a desire to, uh, have a second chance to set things right." ()

Arkádie (1999) (S06E15) 

Be like the others... before it gets dark. ()

Instinkt (1999) (S06E16) 

Dana Scully - The Wolf inside... Dogs don't lie... Better than Human... Better than Human? Fox Mulder - She's not a real people person ()

Trevor (1999) (S06E17) 

I WANT WHAT'S MINE Dokonalosť. Jedna z najlepších častí celkovo. A jedna z mála, na ktorú som od detstva vôbec nezabudol. To sa ani nedá na takéto niečo zabudnúť. ()

Milagro (1999) (S06E18) 

"It's called a "milagro." That's the Spanish word for "miracle." It's worn as a lucky charm. It was dropped off at reception by a man in his late 20s, early 30s... average looking, average build. They weren't able to get a good ID. There are no fingerprints and no DNA from his saliva. Did you see that it's a burning heart?" ()

Z jiného světa (1999) (S06E19) 

"I've seen the life on this planet Scully, and that is exactly why I am looking elsewhere." ()

Tři experti (1999) (S06E20) 

"My name is John Fitzgerald Byers. I was named after our 35th president, and I keep having this beautiful dream. In my dream, the events of November 22nd, 1963, never happened. In it, my namesake was never assassinated. Other things are different, too, in my dream. My country is hopeful and innocent - young again. Young in spirit. My fellow citizens trust their elect officials, never once having been betrayed by them. My government is truly "of the people, by the people, for the people". All my hopes for my country, for myself... all are fulfilled. I have everything a person could want - home and family... and love. Everything that counts for anything in life... I have it. But the dream ends the same way every time. I lose it all." ()

Výlet do hor (1999) (S06E21) 

"Brown Mountain lights? It's a famous atmospheric phenomenon dating back nearly 700 years, witnessed by thousands of people, back to the Cherokee Indians. Strange multicolored lights are seen to dance above the peak of the mountain. There's been no geological explanation, no scientific credible explanation at all." ()

Biogeneze (1999) (S06E22) 

"From Space, it seems an abstraction - a magician's trick on a darkened stage. And from this distance one might never imagine that it is alive. It first appeared in the sea almost four billion years ago in the form of single-celled life. In an explosion of life spanning millions of years, nature's first multicellular organisms began to multiply... and then it stopped. 440 million years ago, a great mass extinction would kill off nearly every species on the planet leaving the vast oceans decimated and empty. Slowly, plants began to evolve, then insects, only to be wiped out in the second great mass extinction upon the Earth. The cycle repeated again and again. Reptiles emerging, independent of the sea only to be killed off. Then dinosaurs, struggling to life along with the first birds, fish, and flowering plants - their decimations Earth's fourth and fifth great extinctions. Only 100,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens appear - man. From cave paintings to the bible to Columbus and Apollo 11, we have been a tireless force upon the earth and off cataloging the natural world as it unfolds to us. Rising to a world population of over five billion people all descended from that original single cell, that first spark of life. But for all our knowledge, what no one can say for certain, is what or who ignited that original spark. Is there a plan, a purpose or a reason to our existence? Will we pass, as those before us, into oblivion, into the sixth extinction that scientists warn is already in progress?" ()

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