

Mork & Mindy

Komedie / Rodinný / Sci-Fi
USA, (1978–1982), 39 h 35 min (Minutáž: 25–50 min)


Robin Williams, Pam Dawber, Conrad Janis, Tom Poston, Robert Donner, Jonathan Winters, Jim Staahl, Corey Feldman, Scott Marshall, Jay Thomas, Barry Van Dyke (více)
(další profese)

Série(4) / Epizody(94)


Mork (Robin Williams) je mimozemšťan ze vzdálené planety Ork, který byl poslán na Zemi za účelem výzkumu chování pozemšťanů. Přistane v městečku Boulder v Coloradu, kde se seznámí s Mindy, ke které se i nastěhuje a která se mu snaží přiblížit naše "podivné" pozemské chování. (Sofia)

Epizody (94)

Pilot (S01E01)

? %

Mork Moves In (S01E02)

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Mork Runs Away (S01E03)

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Mork in Love (S01E04)

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Mork's Seduction (S01E05)

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Mork Goes Public (S01E06)

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To Tell the Truth (S01E07)

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Mork the Gullible (S01E08)

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A Mommy for Morky (S01E09)

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Mork's Greatest Hit (S01E10)

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Old Fears (S01E11)

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Mork's First Christmas (S01E12)

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Mork and the Immigrant (S01E13)

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Mork the Tolerant (S01E14)

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Young Love (S01E15)

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Skyflakes Keep Falling on My Head (S01E16)

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Mork Goes Erk (S01E17)

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Yes Sir, That's My Baby (S01E18)

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Mork's Mixed Emotions (S01E19)

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Mork's Night Out (S01E20)

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In Mork We Trust (S01E21)

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Mork Runs Down (S01E22)

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It's a Wonderful Mork (S01E23)

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Mork's Best Friend (S01E24)

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Mork in Wonderland: Part 1 (S02E01)

? %

Mork in Wonderland: Part 2 (S02E02)

? %

Stark Raving Mork (S02E03)

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Mork's Baby Blues (S02E04)

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Dr. Morkenstein (S02E05)

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Mork vs. Mindy (S02E06)

? %

Mork Gets Mindy-itis (S02E07)

? %

A Morkville Horror (S02E08)

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Mork's Health Hints (S02E09)

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Dial 'N' for Nelson (S02E10)

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Mork vs. the Necrotons: Part 1 (S02E11)

? %

Mork vs. the Necrotons: Part 2 (S02E12)

? %

Hold That Mork (S02E13)

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The Exidor Affair (S02E14)

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The Mork Syndrome (S02E15)

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Exidor's Wedding (S02E16)

? %

A Mommy for Mindy (S02E17)

? %

The Night They Raided Mind-ski's (S02E18)

? %

Mork Learns to See (S02E19)

? %

Mork's Vacation (S02E20)

? %

Jeanie Loves Mork (S02E21)

? %

Little Orphan Morkie (S02E22)

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Looney Tunes and Morkie Melodies (S02E23)

? %

Clerical Error (S02E24)

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Invasion of the Mork Snatchers (S02E25)

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The Way Mork Were (S02E26)

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Putting the Ork Back in Mork: Part 1 (S03E01)

? %

Putting the Ork Back in Mork: Part 2 (S03E02)

? %

Mork in Never-Never Land (S03E03)

? %

Dueling Skates (S03E04)

? %

Mork the Prankster (S03E05)

? %

Mork, the Monkey's Uncle (S03E06)

? %

Gunfight at the Mor-Kay Corral (S03E07)

? %

Mork's New Look (S03E08)

? %

Alas, Poor Mork, We Knew Him Well (S03E09)

? %

Mork and the Bum Rap (S03E10)

? %

Mindy Gets Her Job (S03E11)

? %

Twelve Angry Appliances (S03E12)

? %

There's a New Mork in Town (S03E13)

? %

Mork Meets Robin Williams (S03E14)

? %

Mindy, Mindy, Mindy (S03E15)

? %

Mork the Swinging Single (S03E16)

? %

Mork and Mindy Meet Rick and Ruby (S03E17)

? %

Mork and the Family Reunion (S03E18)

? %

Old Muggable Mork (S03E19)

? %

I Heard It Through the Morkvine (S03E20)

? %

Mindy and Mork (S03E21)

? %

Reflections and Regrets (S03E22)

? %

Limited Engagement (S04E01)

? %

The Wedding (S04E02)

? %

The Honeymoon (S04E03)

? %

Three the Hard Way (S04E04)

? %

Mama Mork, Papa Mindy (S04E05)

? %

My Dad Can't Beat Up Anybody (S04E06)

? %

Long Before We Met (S04E07)

? %

Rich Mork, Poor Mork (S04E08)

? %

Alienation (S04E09)

? %

P.S. 2001 (S04E10)

? %

Pajama Game II (S04E11)

? %

Present Tense (S04E12)

? %

Metamorphosis - The TV Show (S04E13)

? %

Drive, She Said (S04E14)

? %

I Don't Remember Mama (S04E15)

? %

Mork, Mindy, and Mearth Meet MILT (S04E16)

? %

Midas Mork (S04E17)

? %

Cheerleader in Chains (S04E18)

? %

Gotta Run: Part 1 (S04E19)

? %

Gotta Run: Part 2 (S04E20)

? %

Gotta Run: Part 3 (S04E21)

? %

The Mork Report (S04E22)

? %

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