

Bitva o Británii

  • Česko Bitva o Anglii (více)


Film Bitva o Anglii režiséra Guye Hamiltona rekonstruuje proslulou kapitolu z dějin druhé světové války, v níž Velká Británie dokázala odolat německým leteckým útokům. Snímek se soustředí na různé britské vojenské osobnosti, řada z nich je inspirována skutečnými lidmi. V červenci roku 1940 německé vzdušné síly bombardují Anglii v rámci příprav na invazi. Když začne Německo, zřejmě nedopatřením, útočit na civilní oblasti v Londýně, Britové začnou v odvetě nečekaně iniciovat nálet na Berlín. Rozlícený Adolf Hitler nařídí Luftwaffe, aby své útoky spíše než na vojenské cíle zaměřila na Londýn a další velká města. Jeho špatný úsudek však umožní Britům obnovit zničené letecké základny. Statečný boj vyčerpaných anglických pilotů Královského letectva a odolnost britské veřejnosti nakonec dohnaly Německo k tomu, aby se vzdalo svých pokusů o invazi. (Cinemax)



Battle Of Britain

Battle Of Britain

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: Varèse Sarabande

Rok: 2004

Země: USA

Formát: CD

Stopáž: 58:49

Poznámky: Includes Sir William Walton’s unused score.

1. Battle Of Britain Theme Ron Goodwin 01:25
2. Ace High March Ron Goodwin 03:35
3. The Lull Before The Storm Ron Goodwin 01:40
4. Work And Play Ron Goodwin 02:30
5. Death And Destruction Ron Goodwin 01:26
6. Briefing The Luftwaffe Ron Goodwin 01:18
7. Prelude To Battle Ron Goodwin 03:24
8. Victory Assured Ron Goodwin 02:16
9. Defeat Ron Goodwin 01:28
10. Hitler's Headquarters Ron Goodwin 00:58
11. Return To Base Ron Goodwin 00:48
12. Threat Ron Goodwin 01:25
13. Civilian Tragedy Ron Goodwin 01:11
14. Offensive Build-Up Ron Goodwin 03:47
15. Attack Ron Goodwin 01:02
16. Personal Tragedy Ron Goodwin 00:47
17. Battle In The Air William Walton 04:54
18. Absent Friends Ron Goodwin 01:07
19. Battle Of Britain Theme - End Title Ron Goodwin 02:59
20. Introduction March And Battle Of Britain March William Walton 02:18
21. The Young Siegfrieds William Walton 01:24
22. Luftwaffe Victory William Walton 01:18
23. The Few Fight Back William Walton 01:53
24. Cat And Mouse William Walton 02:54
25. Scherzo "Gay Berlin" William Walton 01:21
26. Dogfight William Walton 01:30
27. Scramble / Battle In The Air William Walton 05:41
28. Finale: Battle Of Britain March William Walton 02:30
Battle Of Britain

Battle Of Britain

Original MGM Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: Rykodisc

Rok: 1999

Země: USA

Formát: CD

Stopáž: 58:49

Poznámky: Deluxe edition includes Sir William Walton’s unused score and Quicktime video of original theatrical trailer.

1. Battle Of Britain Theme Ron Goodwin 01:25
2. Ace High March Ron Goodwin 03:35
3. The Lull Before The Storm Ron Goodwin 01:40
4. Work And Play Ron Goodwin 02:30
5. Death And Destruction Ron Goodwin 01:26
6. Briefing The Luftwaffe Ron Goodwin 01:18
7. Prelude To Battle Ron Goodwin 03:24
8. Victory Assured Ron Goodwin 02:16
9. Defeat Ron Goodwin 01:28
10. Hitler's Headquarters Ron Goodwin 00:58
11. Return To Base Ron Goodwin 00:48
12. Threat Ron Goodwin 01:25
13. Civilian Tragedy Ron Goodwin 01:11
14. Offensive Build-Up Ron Goodwin 03:47
15. Attack Ron Goodwin 01:02
16. Personal Tragedy Ron Goodwin 00:47
17. Battle In The Air William Walton 04:54
18. Absent Friends Ron Goodwin 01:07
19. Battle Of Britain Theme - End Title Ron Goodwin 02:59
20. Introduction March And Battle Of Britain March William Walton 02:18
21. The Young Siegfrieds William Walton 01:24
22. Luftwaffe Victory William Walton 01:18
23. The Few Fight Back William Walton 01:53
24. Cat And Mouse William Walton 02:54
25. Scherzo "Gay Berlin" William Walton 01:21
26. Dogfight William Walton 01:30
27. Scramble / Battle In The Air William Walton 05:41
28. Finale: Battle Of Britain March William Walton 02:30
Battle of Britain

Battle of Britain

Music from the Original UA Motion Picture Soundtrack and Other Films

Vydal: MGM Records

Rok: 1990

Země: Velká Británie

Formát: LP

Stopáž: 56:18

1. SIDE A: Battle Of Britain Theme Ron Goodwin 01:23
2. Luftwaffe March Ron Goodwin 03:33
3. The Lull Before The Storm Ron Goodwin 01:40
4. Work And Play Ron Goodwin 02:30
5. Death And Destruction Ron Goodwin 01:24
6. Briefing The Luftwaffe Ron Goodwin 01:16
7. Prelude To Battle Ron Goodwin 03:20
8. Victory Assured Ron Goodwin 02:15
9. Defeat Ron Goodwin 01:35
10. Hitlers Headquarters Ron Goodwin 00:57
11. Return To Base Ron Goodwin 00:47
12. Threat Ron Goodwin 01:24
13. Civilian Tragedy Ron Goodwin 01:09
14. Offensive Build-up Ron Goodwin 03:42
15. Attack Ron Goodwin 01:01
16. SIDE B: Personnal Tragedy Ron Goodwin 00:45
17. Battle In The Air William Walton 04:52
18. Absent Friends Ron Goodwin 01:04
19. Battle Of Britain Theme - End Title Ron Goodwin 02:56
20. OPERATION CROSSBOW: Operation Crossbow (Theme From The Film) Ron Goodwin 02:34
21. MONTE CARLO OR BURST: Suite From Monte Carlo Or Bust Ron Goodwin 06:51
22. THE TRAP: The Trap (Theme From The Film) Ron Goodwin 03:09
23. THOSE MAGNIFICENT MEN IN THEIR FLYING MACHINES: Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines (Music From The Film) Ron Goodwin 06:11
Battle of Britain

Battle of Britain

Original Soundtrack Recording

Vydal: MCA Records

Rok: 1986

Země: USA

Formát: LP

Stopáž: 36:53

1. SIDE A: Battle Of Britain Theme Ron Goodwin 01:23
2. Ace High March Ron Goodwin 03:32
3. The Lull Before The Storm Ron Goodwin 01:37
4. Work And Play Ron Goodwin 02:27
5. Death And Destruction Ron Goodwin 01:22
6. Briefing The Luftwaffe Ron Goodwin 01:14
7. Prelude To Battle Ron Goodwin 03:20
8. Victory Assured Ron Goodwin 02:12
9. Defeat Ron Goodwin 01:26
10. SIDE B: Hitler's Headquarters Ron Goodwin 00:55
11. Return To Base Ron Goodwin 00:44
12. Threat Ron Goodwin 01:23
13. Civilian Tragedy Ron Goodwin 01:08
14. Offensive Build-up Ron Goodwin 03:43
15. Attack Ron Goodwin 00:58
16. Personal Tragedy Ron Goodwin 00:41
17. Battle In The Air William Walton 04:51
18. Absent Friends Ron Goodwin 01:03
19. Battle Of Britain Theme - End Title Ron Goodwin 02:54
La Batalla de Inglaterra

La Batalla de Inglaterra

Banda Sonora Original de la Película

Vydal: United Artists Records

Rok: 1969

Země: Španělsko

Formát: LP

Stopáž: 12:40

1. SIDE A: Tema De La Batalla De Inglaterra Ron Goodwin 01:23
2. Combate Aereo "Battle In The Air" William Walton 04:51
3. SIDE B: Marcha De La Luftwaffe "Ace High March" Ron Goodwin 03:32
4. Final Ron Goodwin 02:54
La Bataille d'Angleterre

La Bataille d'Angleterre

Bande Sonore Originale

Vydal: United Artists Records

Rok: 1969

Země: Francie

Formát: LP

Stopáž: 06:02

1. SIDE A: "Battle Of Britain" Theme (Extrait De La Bande Originale Du Film) Ron Goodwin 02:30
2. SIDE B: Luftwaffe March (Extrait de la Bande Originale Du Film "Battle Of Britain") Ron Goodwin 03:32
Battle of Britain

Battle of Britain

Vydal: United Artists Records

Rok: 1969

Země: Velká Británie

Formát: LP

Stopáž: 06:02

1. SIDE A: Battle Of Britain Theme Ron Goodwin 02:30
2. SIDE B: Luftwaffe March Ron Goodwin 03:32
La Bataille D'Angleterre

La Bataille D'Angleterre

Bande Sonore Originale du Film

Vydal: United Artists Records

Rok: 1969

Země: Francie

Formát: LP

Stopáž: 36:53

1. SIDE A: Battle Of Britain Theme Ron Goodwin 01:23
2. Luftwaffe March Ron Goodwin 03:32
3. The Lull Before The Storm Ron Goodwin 01:37
4. Work And Play Ron Goodwin 02:27
5. Death And Destruction Ron Goodwin 01:22
6. Briefing The Luftwaffe Ron Goodwin 01:14
7. Prelude To Battle Ron Goodwin 03:20
8. Victory Assured Ron Goodwin 02:12
9. Defeat Ron Goodwin 01:26
10. SIDE B: Hitlers Headquarters Ron Goodwin 00:55
11. Return To Base Ron Goodwin 00:44
12. Threat Ron Goodwin 01:23
13. Civilian Tragedy Ron Goodwin 01:08
14. Offensive Build-up Ron Goodwin 03:43
15. Attack Ron Goodwin 00:58
16. Personnal Tragedy Ron Goodwin 00:41
17. Battle In The Air William Walton 04:51
18. Absent Friends Ron Goodwin 01:03
19. Battle Of Britain Theme - End Title Ron Goodwin 02:54
Luftschlacht um England (Battle of Britain)

Luftschlacht um England (Battle of Britain)

Original Film Soundtrack

Vydal: United Artists Records

Rok: 1969

Země: Německo

Formát: LP

Stopáž: 37:18

1. SIDE A: Battle Of Britain Theme Ron Goodwin 01:23
2. Luftwaffe March Ron Goodwin 03:32
3. The Lull Before The Storm Ron Goodwin 01:37
4. Work And Play Ron Goodwin 02:27
5. Death And Destruction Ron Goodwin 01:22
6. Prelude To Battle Ron Goodwin 03:30
7. Victory Assured Ron Goodwin 02:12
8. "Preussens Gloria" - Johan Gottfried Piefke 02:40
9. SIDE B: Headquarters Ron Goodwin 00:55
10. "Badenweiler Marsch" - Georg Fürst 02:43
11. Threat Ron Goodwin 01:23
12. Civilian Tragedy Ron Goodwin 01:08
13. Offensive Build-up Ron Goodwin 03:43
14. Attack Ron Goodwin 00:58
15. Battle In The Air William Walton 04:51
16. Battle Of Britain Theme - End Title Ron Goodwin 02:54
Battle of Britain

Battle of Britain

Original Soundtrack Recording

Vydal: United Artists Records

Rok: 1969

Země: Japonsko

Formát: LP

Stopáž: 36:53

1. SIDE A: Battle Of Britain Theme Ron Goodwin 01:23
2. Ace High March Ron Goodwin 03:32
3. The Lull Before The Storm Ron Goodwin 01:37
4. Work And Play Ron Goodwin 02:27
5. Death And Destruction Ron Goodwin 01:22
6. Briefing The Luftwaffe Ron Goodwin 01:14
7. Prelude To Battle Ron Goodwin 03:20
8. Victory Assured Ron Goodwin 02:12
9. Defeat Ron Goodwin 01:26
10. SIDE B: Hitler's Headquarters Ron Goodwin 00:55
11. Return To Base Ron Goodwin 00:44
12. Threat Ron Goodwin 01:23
13. Civilian Tragedy Ron Goodwin 01:08
14. Offensive Build-up Ron Goodwin 03:43
15. Attack Ron Goodwin 00:58
16. Personal Tragedy Ron Goodwin 00:41
17. Battle In The Air William Walton 04:51
18. Absent Friends Ron Goodwin 01:03
19. Battle Of Britain Theme - End Title Ron Goodwin 02:54
Battle of Britain

Battle of Britain

Original Soundtrack Recording

Vydal: United Artists Records

Rok: 1969

Země: Velká Británie

Formát: LP

Stopáž: 36:53

1. SIDE A: Battle Of Britain Theme Ron Goodwin 01:23
2. Ace High March Ron Goodwin 03:32
3. The Lull Before The Storm Ron Goodwin 01:37
4. Work And Play Ron Goodwin 02:27
5. Death And Destruction Ron Goodwin 01:22
6. Briefing The Luftwaffe Ron Goodwin 01:14
7. Prelude To Battle Ron Goodwin 03:20
8. Victory Assured Ron Goodwin 02:12
9. Defeat Ron Goodwin 01:26
10. SIDE B: Hitler's Headquarters Ron Goodwin 00:55
11. Return To Base Ron Goodwin 00:44
12. Threat Ron Goodwin 01:23
13. Civilian Tragedy Ron Goodwin 01:08
14. Offensive Build-Up Ron Goodwin 03:43
15. Attack Ron Goodwin 00:58
16. Personal Tragedy Ron Goodwin 00:41
17. Battle In The Air William Walton 04:51
18. Absent Friends Ron Goodwin 01:03
19. Battle Of Britain Theme - End Title Ron Goodwin 02:54
空軍大戦略 Battle of Britain

空軍大戦略 Battle of Britain

Vydal: United Artists Records

Rok: 1968

Země: Japonsko

Formát: LP

Stopáž: 06:20

1. SIDE A: Battle Of Britain Theme Ron Goodwin 02:50
2. SIDE B: Luftwaffe March Ron Goodwin 03:30

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Zemřel Christopher Plummer


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