

Star Trek: Nová generace

  • Česko Star Trek: Příští generace (více)
USA, (1987–1994)


Gene Roddenberry


Arthur Conan Doyle (kniha)


Ronald D. Moore, Brannon Braga, René Echevarria, Joe Menosky (více)


Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, Gates McFadden, Wil Wheaton, Denise Crosby, Whoopi Goldberg (více)
(další profese)

Série(7) / Epizody(176)

Posádka hvězdné lodi USS Enterprise pod vedením kapitána Jeana-Luca Picarda zkoumá galaxii a ve 24. století podporuje mír mezi soupeřícími mimozemskými civilizacemi. (SkyShowtime)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (184)

Klingonské srdce (1988) (S01E19) 

They are warning the dead, sir: "Beware, a Klingon warrior is about to arrive." ()

Arzenál svobody (1988) (S01E20) 

"To be totally armed is to be totally secure! Remember: the early bird that hesitates gets wormed!" ()

Symbióza (1988) (S01E21) 

"The Prime Directive is not just a set of rules. It is a philosophy, and a very correct one. History has proved again and again that whenever mankind interferes with a less developed civilization, no matter how well-intentioned that interference may be, the results are invariably disastrous." ()

Slupka všeho zla (1988) (S01E22) 

"My friend Data. You see things with the wonder of a child, and that makes you more human than any of us." ()

Setkání v Paříži (1988) (S01E23) 

I see time as a constant, whereas humans perceive time as flexible, hence the expression "time flies when you're having fun," which until now has always confused me. ()

Spiknutí (1988) (S01E24) 

"That's the charming thing about them, isn't it? When a machination is real, no one knows about it. And when it's suspected, it's almost never real." ()

Neutrální zóna (1988) (S01E25) 

"From what I've seen of our guests, there's not much to redeem them. Makes one wonder how our species survived the 21st century." ()

Série 2 (1988) (S02) 

"Fate. Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise." ()

Dítě (1988) (S02E01) 

"This is a life form. Denying it the right to survive, takes away our opportunity to study it." ()

Kde vládne ticho (1988) (S02E02) 

"Captain, the most elementary and valuable statement in science, the beginning of wisdom, is, "I do not know". I do not know what that is, sir." ()

Jak prosté, drahý Date (1988) (S02E03) 

"To feel the thrill of victory, there has to be the possibility of failure." ()

Nezkrotný Okona (1988) (S02E04) 

"Then, there was the one about the girl in the nudist colony, that nothing looked good on." ()

Tichý jako šepot (1989) (S02E05) 

"Confidence is faith in oneself. It can't easily be given by another." ()

Schizofrenik (1989) (S02E06) 

"When I stroke the beard - thusly - do I not appear more... intellectual?" ()

Nepřirozený výběr (1989) (S02E07) 

"Scientists believe no experiment is a failure, that even a mistake advances the evolution of understanding, but all achievement has a price." ()

Věc cti (1989) (S02E08) 

"A Klingon is his work, not his family. That is the way of things." ()

Lidský rozměr (1989) (S02E09) 

"Lieutenant La Forge's eyes are far superior to human biological eyes, true? Then why are not all human officers required to have their eyes replaced with cybernetic implants?" ()

Vladařka (1989) (S02E10) 

"I doubt if anything ever meets with that woman's approval - sir." ()

Nákaza (1989) (S02E11) 

"The victors invariably write the history to their own advantage. There is an unfortunate tendency in many cultures to fear what they do not understand." ()

Hotel Royale (1989) (S02E12) 

"July 23rd, 2037. It was the third manned attempt to travel beyond the confines of the Earth's solar system." V deň mojich 50tych narodenín, no pekne. ()

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