

Star Trek: Nová generace

  • Česko Star Trek: Příští generace (více)
USA, (1987–1994)


Gene Roddenberry


Arthur Conan Doyle (kniha)


Ronald D. Moore, Brannon Braga, René Echevarria, Joe Menosky (více)


Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, Gates McFadden, Wil Wheaton, Denise Crosby, Whoopi Goldberg (více)
(další profese)

Série(7) / Epizody(176)

Posádka hvězdné lodi USS Enterprise pod vedením kapitána Jeana-Luca Picarda zkoumá galaxii a ve 24. století podporuje mír mezi soupeřícími mimozemskými civilizacemi. (SkyShowtime)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (184)

Čtverec času (1989) (S02E13) 

"Well, they say if you travel far enough, you will eventually meet yourself." ()

Faktor Ikarus (1989) (S02E14) 

"You choose your enemies; you choose your friends. But family - that's in the stars." ()

Přátelé na dálku (1989) (S02E15) 

"It seems that some creatures have the capacity to fill spaces you never knew were empty." ()

Kdo je "Q" (1989) (S02E16) 

"Con permiso, Capitan. The hall is rented, the orchestra engaged. It's now time to see if you can dance." ()

Dodejte nám čerstvou krev! (1989) (S02E18) 

"Every moment of pleasure in life has to be purchased by an equal moment of pain." ()

Hon na muže (1989) (S02E19) 

An animal is always at its best when hunted. Or when hunting. ()

Posel (1989) (S02E20) 

"The Iceman's finally melting." ()

Špičkový výkon (1989) (S02E21) 

"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life." ()

Šedé přízraky (1989) (S02E22) 

"If you drop a hammer on your foot, it's hardly useful to get mad at the hammer." ()

Série 3 (1989) (S03) 

Let's make sure history never forgets... the name..."Enterprise"! ()

Evoluce (1989) (S03E01) 

"A mother shapes her child in ways she doesn't even realize. Sometimes just by listening." ()

Vlastnosti velitele (1989) (S03E02) 

"People can be selfish, irrational, stubborn, malicious, you name it. But computers don't have those failings." ()

Zničená planeta (1989) (S03E03) 

"Sir - may I say your attempt to hold the away team at bay with a non-functioning weapon was an act of unmitigated gall... I admire gall." ()

Kdo pozoruje pozorovatele (1989) (S03E04) 

"Are you sure you know what he wants? That's the problem with believing in a supernatural being - trying to determine what he wants." ()

Svazek (1989) (S03E05) 

"We deal with our pain in many different ways. But over the years, I've discovered it's in joy that the uniqueness of each individual is revealed. If I can help a person back to a state of joy... well, my role has its rewards." ()

Past (1989) (S03E06) 

"Every time you look at this engine, you're looking at me. Every time you touch it, it's me." ()

Nepřítel (1989) (S03E07) 

"I never lie when I've got sand in my shoes." ()

Cena (1989) (S03E08) 

"The last mile of the marathon is always the toughest. That's when the winners are willing to take the big risks. You willing to do that?" ()

Faktor pomsty (1989) (S03E09) 

"If I wanted you destroyed, you would not be talking to me right now. Obviously, I wanted something else." ()

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