

Star Trek: Nová generace

  • Česko Star Trek: Příští generace (více)
USA, (1987–1994)


Gene Roddenberry


Arthur Conan Doyle (kniha)


Ronald D. Moore, Brannon Braga, René Echevarria, Joe Menosky (více)


Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, Gates McFadden, Wil Wheaton, Denise Crosby, Whoopi Goldberg (více)
(další profese)

Série(7) / Epizody(176)

Posádka hvězdné lodi USS Enterprise pod vedením kapitána Jeana-Luca Picarda zkoumá galaxii a ve 24. století podporuje mír mezi soupeřícími mimozemskými civilizacemi. (SkyShowtime)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (184)

Hostitel (1991) (S04E23) 

"You can't be open to love if you don't risk pain." ()

Vnitřní zrak (1991) (S04E24) 

"Motives? Who cares for motives? Humans, perhaps. What matters is you acted on that day as a true Klingon." ()

Teoreticky (1991) (S04E25) 

"I would be delighted to offer any advice I can on understanding women. When I have some, I'll let you know." ()

Usmíření 1/2 (1991) (S04E26) 

"Lursa and B'Etor are feared. And fear is power." ()

Série 5 (1991) (S05) 

"Maybe necessity really is the mother of invention. You never really look for something until you need it." ()

Usmíření 2/2 (1991) (S05E01) 

"The ends cannot justify the means." ()

Darmok (1991) (S05E02) 

"But are they truly incomprehensible? In my experience, communication is a matter of patience, imagination. I would like to believe that these are qualities that we have in sufficient measure." ()

Podporučík RO (1991) (S05E03) 

"How convenient that must be for you, to turn a deaf ear to those who suffer behind a line on a map." ()

Marná oběť (1991) (S05E04) 

"The sperm whale on Earth devours millions of cuttlefish as it roams the oceans. It is not evil; it is feeding. The same may be true of the Entity." ()

Neštěstí (1991) (S05E05) 

"I must urge you gently but firmly to push harder." ()

Hra (1991) (S05E06) 

Law 1: You can only count on yourself. Law 17: When all else fails, do it yourself. Law 36: You gotta go with what works. Law 46: Life isn't always fair. Law 91: Always watch your back. Law 103: A couple of light years can't keep good friends apart. ()

Sjednocení 1/2 (1991) (S05E07) 

"This is gonna be like puttin' together a big jigsaw puzzle when you don't even know what the picture's supposed to be." ()

Sjednocení 2/2 (1991) (S05E08) 

"Fascinating. You have an efficient intellect, superior physical skills, no emotional impediments. There are Vulcans who aspire all their lives to achieve what you've been given by design." ()

Otázka času (1991) (S05E09) 

"Who said these moments were any less exciting when you know the outcome, hm?" ()

Nové perspektivy (1992) (S05E10) 

"Lieutenant Worf, personal log, stardate 45376.8 - Alexander has acted shamefully, and as his father, I must now deal with him. But I find that I would rather fight ten Balduk warriors than face one small child." ()

Můj hrdina (1992) (S05E11) 

"I have been told that imitation is the highest form of flattery." ()

Násilník (1992) (S05E12) 

Klingons do not allow themselves to be... "probed". ()

Dokonalá společnost (1992) (S05E13) 

"Are there still people in your society who have not yet discovered who they really are or what they were meant to do with their lives? They may be in the wrong job, they may be writing bad poetry or, worse yet, they may be great poets working as laborers, never to be discovered. That does not happen here." ()

Záhada (1992) (S05E14) 

"What makes you think you're gonna get any sleep?" Tak takéto pekvapenie v kajute, kedykoľvek. ()

Z pozice síly (1992) (S05E15) 

"My entity's artificial substructure may be useful." ()

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