

VOD (1)

Archer, Reed a Hayes se vmísí do xindské průmyslové kolonie, kde ukrývají smrtící zbraně. (SkyShowtime)

Recenze (3)


všechny recenze uživatele (k tomuto seriálu)

Procedurální a efektivně čistě výplňovej díl. Jeho skutečnej obsah je konverzačka s Xindim co neni záporák - a, ehm, that's it, nic víc. Je tam nějaká expozice backgroundu toho co sou zač Xindi a i když ok to je zajímavý, tak to neni zrovna uchvacující a navíc to je něco co by okolo nejspíš věděli všichni a Archer by to zjistil hned po příletu do segmentu. Jakože - ok-ish díl, not bad, not that good. ()


všechny recenze uživatele (k tomuto seriálu)

"There was a sixth species, the avians. They've been gone since the war. Extinct. As far as I'm told, none of them fled before our homeworld was destroyed. The war went on for nearly a hundred years. The sides changed, alliances were forged and then broken. By the time it ended I doubt any of the six species remembered what started it, but everyone remembered what ended it. As well as being unstable politically, our planet was even more unstable geologically. In a final desperate act, the insectoids and reptilians detonated massive explosions beneath the eight largest seismic fissures. I'd like to think they didn't realise how devastating the result would be. My grandfather lived there. He told me of places where the sky was sometimes filled with avians. Now they're gone." ()

