

Star Trek: Nová generace

  • Česko Star Trek: Příští generace (více)
USA, (1987–1994)


Gene Roddenberry


Arthur Conan Doyle (kniha)


Ronald D. Moore, Brannon Braga, René Echevarria, Joe Menosky (více)


Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, Gates McFadden, Wil Wheaton, Denise Crosby, Whoopi Goldberg (více)
(další profese)

Série(7) / Epizody(176)

Posádka hvězdné lodi USS Enterprise pod vedením kapitána Jeana-Luca Picarda zkoumá galaxii a ve 24. století podporuje mír mezi soupeřícími mimozemskými civilizacemi. (SkyShowtime)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (184)

Vztahy (1993) (S07E02) 

WORF: "Ambassador Byleth is... demanding, temperamental and rude!" DATA: "You share all of those qualities in abundance. Perhaps you should try to build on your similarities!" ()

Lidská sonda (1993) (S07E03) 

"I'm seeing my reflection in a panel. Forgot what a handsome guy I am." ()

Gambit I. (1993) (S07E04) 

"That's my sister. She's angry. She's got a vicious temper. I wouldn't cross her." ()

Gambit II. (1993) (S07E05) 

"What a tangled web we weave. I have difficulty remembering whose side I'm on." ()

Vidiny (1993) (S07E06) 

"I have been watching Spot sleep. In the past fifteen minutes, he has had twelve muscles spasms, which indicates he was dreaming. I have often wondered what Spot dreams about. His twitching and his rapid breathing would seem to suggest anxiety, but Spot has never seen a mouse or any other form of rodentia. He has never encountered an insect, or been chased by a canine." ()

Temný kout (1993) (S07E07) 

"I've gone through all her belongings, I've read her journal for the last five years. And other than the fact that I'm not married yet, nothing bad seems to have happened to her." ()

Spojení (1993) (S07E08) 

"Well, think about Earth. What if one of the old nation states, say Australia, had decided not to join the World Government in twenty one fifty? Would that have disqualified us as a Federation member?" ()

Síla přírody (1993) (S07E09) 

"I don't know about Spot, but it seems to me your training is coming along just fine." ()

Odkaz (1993) (S07E10) 

"And considering that giving you a creative aspect was my idea. Oh, your father didn't really see the point. He thought that since you didn't have emotions, there would be no real need for you to express yourself. Somehow, I had the feeling the opposite would be true." ()

Paralely (1993) (S07E11) 

"The Federation's gone, the Borg is everywhere! We're one of the last ships left. Please, you've got to help us!" ()

Pegasus (1994) (S07E12) 

"I wanted someone who would stand up to me, someone who was more concerned with the safety of the ship and accomplishing the mission than with how it might look on his record. To me, that's one of the marks of a good officer." ()

Domů (1994) (S07E13) 

"It is the sign... of La Forge." ()

Milenec (1994) (S07E14) 

"I think that I preferred your eyes the way they were before. I think I preferred you the way you were before, Beverly." ()

V podpalubí (1994) (S07E15) 

"All my life I've served in the military. Once, it was an institution dedicated to the security of Cardassia. Now, it's little more than a platform for ambitious guls hoping to make their reputations in battle. If the information I've provided helps Starfleet deter even one pointless skirmish, I've served my purpose." ()

Tvé vlastní já (1994) (S07E16) 

"Rock, fire, sky, and water are the basic elements of the universe. They can be found in every object, every person, every animal, everything. The rock in this wood can be felt by its weight and by its hardness. If we expose the wood to flame, we can encourage the fire within the wood to show itself. We can also see smoke, which is a part of the sky. The water in wood is difficult to see. Sometimes the elements are buried deep within the objects, but the four elements are always there." ()

Masky (1994) (S07E17) 

"Maybe we better talk out here; the observation lounge has turned into a swamp." ()

Cizíma očima (1994) (S07E18) 

"Mr. Worf, you sound like a man who's asking his friend if he can start dating his sister." ()

Geneze (1994) (S07E19) 

"Well - before I begin swinging through the ship looking for breakfast, we'd better find some answers. How do we reverse the process?" ()

Konec cesty (1994) (S07E20) 

As someone once said: "Diplomacy is the art of the possible." ()

Prvorozený (1994) (S07E21) 

"Lursa and B'Etor - big talk, small tips." ()

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