


Ve snímku The Equalizer představuje Denzel Washington bývalého člena elitní tajné vojenské jednotky McCalla, který předstíral svou smrt, aby mohl začít žít poklidný život v Bostonu. Když kvůli záchraně života mladé dívky Teri (Chloe Grace Moretz) musí svůj dobrovolný odpočinek ukončit, ocitá se tváří v tvář extrémně násilným ruským gangsterům. Během tohoto zúčtování se v McCallovi znovu probudí touha po konání spravedlnosti. Pokud se tedy ocitnete v nesnázích s mizivou šancí na záchranu, a nemáte se na koho obrátit, McCall vám pomůže. Je tím jediným, kdo dokáže vaše problémy vyřešit jednou provždy. Je to Equalizer. (Falcon)


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Akční thriller s lehce artistními ambicemi, který je velkým sólem monumentálního Denzela Washingtona v jeho "trademarkové" roli dobráckého chlapíka od vedle, který ve správnou chvíli nekompromisně přitvrdí. Viděli jsme jej takhle v poslední době několikrát a Washington vybrousil tenhle part (takřka) k dokonalosti. Režisér Antoine Fuqua, který se s ním sešel již v Training Day, tady tvrdí muziku spíše v temnějších podtónech téhle drsné cesty za hlavou hada. Tempo je pomalejší, ale o to propracovanější vizuál snímek nabízí, se závěrečným efektním zúčtováním mezi regály hobby marketu :-) Velmi dobrou kreaci předvádí také záporák Marton Csokas, který je drsným soupeřem (a jeho dialog s Washigtonem v restauraci je vyloženě lahůdkový). A potěšilo cameo Billa Pullmana. Pro příznivce "starosvětské" akčně-dramatické podívané (ala Jack Reacher) jde velmi zdařilý počin. ()


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Menej inteligentné a nápadité ako Taken, ale stále dobrá zábava. Denzel pri niektorých scénach vyzerá ako po mŕtvici a na rozdiel od Liama mu úplne neverím, že dokáže tak ľahko nakopávať zadky teroristom, ale celkovo to nebola úplná tragédia. ()


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Ďalší záchranca všetkých naokolo na scéne, Liam Neeson inak. Pomáhal slabým, bohatým bral, Rusov dával dole ako na bežiacom páse, samozrejme sám, aby mu to nikto nemohol pokaziť. Samozrejme, film a dej je prehraný. Ale! Bavilo ma to, bolo to pozerateľné. Samozrejme, film stojí a padá na Washingtonovi, jeho charizma je taká obrovská, že potiahne dokonale celý snímok. Výborný bol aj záporák. Ak ste si mysleli, že ste videli všetky spôsoby na svete, ako zabiť človeka, tak Equalizer vám ukáže určite veci, po ktorých si trochu rozšírite obzory. ()


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PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Thank you, Ralph, for that really kind introduction, and for your great leadership. It's wonderful to be back here with all of my friends at this time. Who would have known this was going to happen? We had a feeling, didn't we? And, Ralph, I want to congratulate you and your wife, Joanne, and each and every person in the audience today. In just a few years you've helped turn a small organization into a really nationwide, beautiful movement. (APPLAUSE) So true. And what you have achieved is extraordinary. I have spoken to this group so much, so often. I'll be back. Most recently, one year ago this week when I came here to ask for your support your help and your prayers. And, wow, did you deliver. You really did. Last year you knocked on more than 1.2 million doors in the key battleground states, where, as you'll remember, we focused, supposed to be focusing on those states. You sent 22 million pieces of mail, shared 16 million videos, and made 10 million phone calls. That's something. (APPLAUSE) And I'm honored by your incredible support and grateful for your commitment to our shared cause. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you very much. (APPLAUSE) You didn't let me down, and I will never, ever let you down. You know that. (APPLAUSE) We will always support our evangelical community and defend your right and the right of all Americans to follow and to live by the teachings of their faith. And as you know, we're under siege, you understand that, but we will come out bigger and better and stronger than ever. You watch. (APPLAUSE) You fought hard for me and now I'm fighting hard for all of you. I have one goal as president, to fight for the American people and to fight for America and America first. (APPLAUSE) We are going to battle for every American who has lost a job, for every family was lost a loved one, for every American of faith has lost their rights and lost their freedom. The forgotten men and women will never ever be forgotten again. You know about that. (APPLAUSE) Remember they said, where did all these people come from? And you know what, they're still trying to figure it out. They don't get it. They don't get it. Your voices will resound across the halls of our capital, and across the world. We recite today the words of Isaiah chapter 1, verse 17, "Learn to do right, seek justice, defend the oppressed, take up the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." The entrenched interests and failed bitter voices in Washington will do everything in their power to try and stop us from this righteous cause, to try to stop all of you. They will lie, they will obstruct, they will spread their hatred and their prejudice, but we will not back down from doing what is right, because as the Bible tells us... (APPLAUSE) ... we know that the truth will prevail, that God's glorious wisdom will shine through, and that the good and decent people of this country will get the change they voted for and that they so richly deserve. (APPLAUSE) Nothing worth doing ever came easy, but we know how to fight better than anybody, and we never ever would give up, and we do not give up. We are winners, and we are going to fight and win, and have an unbelievable future, unbelievable future, and it's going to be together. (APPLAUSE) We are keeping the solemn promises that we made to the great citizens of our country. We are eliminating job-killing regulations, reversing government overreach, and returning power back to everyday Americans, where the country started. (APPLAUSE) In just a short period of time, we've already added nearly 1 million new jobs and approved historic increases in military spending. We have achieved a record reduction in illegal immigration. Did you see at the southern border -- 75 percent, 75 percent. (APPLAUSE) If they'd do 1 percent in the past, it used to be, aw, we're doing so well -- 75 percent. General Kelly is doing a great job. And we are protecting our families, schools and cities by removing the gang members... (APPLAUSE) -- MS-13, MS-13, we're spreading them out -- the drug dealers and criminals from our country and cracking down on the sanctuary cities that protect them. (APPLAUSE) And we believe that people who come to our country should love our citizens, and embrace our values -- our values, folks. In my first 100 days -- and I don't think anybody has ever done more, or certainly not much more -- I appointed and confirmed a Supreme Court justice in the mold of the late, great Antonin Scalia. (APPLAUSE) And now Justice Gorsuch has a seat on the United States Supreme Court. (APPLAUSE) Made a promise. We have also proposed a historic tax cut, biggest in the history of our country, by the way, and we are fighting for fair trade that creates a level playing field for all of our American companies and our American workers. We are not only fair playing field, but it's getting fairer by the day. We are bringing back our jobs. (APPLAUSE) To protect those jobs and the sovereignty and freedom of the United States, I followed through on my promise to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. You understand it. You understand how bad it was for our country. It was going to strip us of our jobs, our wealth, our companies, and they keep saying, oh, it's nonbinding, so innocent. I figure between that deal, the Iran deal, NAFTA -- we've got some beauties, don't we? (LAUGHTER) Don't worry, you're going to see some real good ones coming about very soon. You're going to see some great ones coming about very soon. America will continue to lead the world on environmental protection. We're going to have clean water, crystal clean. We're going to have clean air. (APPLAUSE) But what we won't do is let other countries take advantage of the United States anymore, and dictate what we are doing and dictate our future. (APPLAUSE) From now on, we will follow a very simple rule: Every day I am president, we are going to make America first, not somebody else, not some other country. We are going to make America first. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. As I am sure you know, I have also reinstated the Mexico City policy first put into place by Ronald Reagan to protect the unborn. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. And in a really beautiful ceremony at the White House on the National Day of Prayer I signed, as I promised I would, a new executive action to protect religious liberty in America, including protecting the rights of group like yours, the Little Sisters of the Poor. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. Stand up -- the Little Sisters of... (APPLAUSE) They fought so hard for so many years. All of a sudden they heard, we won, right? (LAUGHTER) They were tough. Don't want to mess with the Little Sisters, right? (LAUGHTER) They hung in. They had a lot of losses. They sustained a lot of losses, but all of a sudden, one day, a few weeks ago, it was over; they won. So congratulations. Great toughness, great. Great people. (APPLAUSE) That executive order also followed on one of my campaign promises to so many of you, to stop the Johnson Amendment from interfering with your First Amendment Rights. (APPLAUSE) That was my promise. This executive order directs the IRS not to unfairly target churches and religious organizations for political speech. So the people that you most respect can now feel free to speak to you, like my friends sitting right over here. I can now hear them, and they're unimpeded. So I just want to congratulate everybody in this room, because that was a big deal and it was a very important thing for me to do for you. And we're not finished yet, believe me. We're not finished yet. So thank you very much. (APPLAUSE) No federal worker should be censoring sermons or targeting pastors. These are the people we want to hear from. How about the people we do hear from every night on television. You want to hear from them? I don't think so. Now, now. We want to hear from the people that we want to hear from. As long as I'm president, no one is going to stop you from practicing your faith or from preaching what is in your heart, and from preaching -- and really this is so important, from the bottom of my heart, from preaching from the people that you most want to hear and that you so respect, so we have taken a very, very strong position, and you picked a winner. (APPLAUSE) So we want our pastors thinking out. We want their voices in our public discourse, and we want our children to know the blessings of God. (APPLAUSE) School should not be a place that drive out faith and religion. (APPLAUSE) But that should welcome faith and religion with wide, open, beautiful arms. (APPLAUSE) Faith inspires us to be better, to be stronger, to be more caring and giving, and more determined to act in selfless and courageous defense of what is good and what is right. It is time to put a stop to the attacks on religion. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. We will end the discrimination against people of faith. Our government will once again celebrate and protect religious freedom. (APPLAUSE) Restoring freedom and opportunity also means repealing and replacing the disaster known as... AUDIENCE: Obamacare! TRUMP: That was easy. (LAUGHTER) Do you see how it's failing? Okay, so I have been saying all hundred and 116 percent for so long. That was Arizona. That was -- so yesterday I have a new number -- 204 percent in Alaska increase. It is a catastrophe. Obamacare, as one of the big insurance companies had said, is in a spiral; it's in a death spiral. It is dead, dead. Some of the states are losing their insurance companies. Yesterday Ohio lost one of the big ones. And Ohio's got problems now. They've all got problems. Kentucky, Tennessee, everyplace I go. But we're dealing with obstructionists. The Democrats or obstructionist. You know what, it would be great to get along with them, but it seems to be impossible. They are obstructionists, and they have a healthcare plan that's a disaster, called Obamacare. Again, the insurance companies are fleeing. The premiums are through the roof. The deductibles -- I mean, unless you die a long, horrible slow death, those deductibles are so high. Sadly, folks, you'll never get the use of it. It is a disaster what's going on with Obamacare. Nobody wants to talk about it. But you take a look at the premiums, how high. You take a look at those deductibles, you have nothing, and then of course the mandate. Let's pay to get out of it, okay. We're only one -- we pay to get out of not paying. That's how bad it is. () (méně) (více)


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Jednu hvězdu dávam za kameru v poslední přestřelce. Jinak jde o strašný kliše, který je místama až herecky trapný. Filmový příběh se dá shrnout tak, že hlavní týpek krom prodávání v OBI i zabíjí lidi a pak se rozhodne zabít velkýho ruskýho mafina jménem Puškin. Kdo hlavní postava je, proč se furt tváří drsně, kde vzala skills superhrdiny, proč prodává v OBI nikdo neví, prostě to tak je a důležitý že umí chodit slowmo v dešti, to přece stačí.. ()


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Za mě jeden z nejlepších Thrillerů 2010-2018. Nenápadně rozvíjející se děj dokáže diváka doslova připoutat k obrazovce a nespustit z ní oči. Denzela by dle mého nikdo v tomto filmu nemohl nahradit, strašně mi tu sedí jeho postupně vzrůstající nasranost. Žádné klasické nudné scény, nic vytrženého z příběhu, všechno do sebe zapadá a tak to má být. Velké plus si zasluhuje kamera a efekty (hlavně na konci ty kapky vody a krve). Za soundtrack dávám tu pátou hvězdičku a moc se těším na pokračování. ()


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No jo no. Ochranitelský princip funguje v každém věku. Teri je kočka, chudinka, která se ocitla kdoví proč na šikmé ploše a Denzel je ten hodnej kluk. Ovládání veškerého nářadí (podle mne styl Bauhaus .. :-) ) je super a doufám tedy, že pribude více "zručných" řemeslníku. 4/5. ()


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Velice povedené drama, které má slušné tempo i akci. Je pravda, že Denzel Washington působí spíše nadpřirozeně, ale všechny scény vypadaly docela dobře. Washington byl ve svém živlu a mohl ukázat svoji tvrďáckou tvář. Jen někdy jsem nepochopil, proč si stopoval čas na svých hodinkách. Celkově hodnotím lepšími třemi hvězdami - 70%. ()


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Moc hezky zahrane a natocene. Sice dost to pripomina film typu “Chuck Norris” ale tenhle ma alespon hlavu, patu a paradni efekty. ()


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OK, příběh je to dobrý, Denzela mám ráda. Ale proč tam musí nutně být ty rádoby drsné a moralistické řeči? Jako by se nám režisér snažil vší silou vštíipit do hlavy, že TOHLE je ten hrdina, ne někdo jiný. A k tomu přidá co nejdrsnější vražedné scény, abychom nebyli z té emocionální vlny tak vysílení. Vlastně mi to připadá docela pozérské a kýčovité v mnoha směrech. Nejvíce mi vadí tyto rádoby chytré a "promyšlené" filmy, kde se nedokážete s žádnou postavou ztotožnit. 50% ()


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Vcelku průměrnej snímek o vosamělym vlkovi, co se rozhod páchat dobro a k tomu mu dopomáhej třeba BLM. Líbil se mi soundtrack. Když nevíte coby, Denzla máte v OBI. ()


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Akční trilogií Equalizer se pomalu navrátíme od komedii na rodnou hroudu dramat a hororů. Předtím nás ale čeká ještě toto akční tango. Pokud nejste rasisti určitě vás potěší snímek, který se velmi podobá filmu John Wick jen zde máme černého hlavního protagoiistu, který se dokáže zamyslet, víceméně zastavit čas a promyslet si veškerou taneční akrobacii od A do Z. Příběhově je to možná i lepší než většina akčňáků. Aspoň tady totiž nějaký lehký příběh je. Samotář Denzel předvádí slušný komba a když k tomu přidáte nějaký ten efekt je to poměrně slušná podívaná! Dle čsfd skoro souhlasím jen z mého pohledu jakožto rasisty je to o malililinkato méně... 65-70% ... ;-) ()


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Robert je fasa chlapík, father figure, ktorý pomáha ľuďom pri ich životných cieľoch, vidí v nich potenciál a dáva každému šancu. Je obľúbený v robote aj na ihrisku. Číta hlboké knihy, má zaužívané rituály, je disciplinovaný a nekompromisný voči nespravodlivosti. Čistý ideál chlapa. K dokonalosti mu nechýba ani vojenská minulosť a potoky krvi, ktoré brodí bez mihnutia oka. Kto by Bobbyho nemal rád a nechcel by byť ako on? Pred masakrom dáva šancu každému padouchovi, v okamihu vražedného vytrženia ani okom nemihne a je veľmi resourceful, co je obzvlášť handy vo veľkoobchode v ktorom pracuje. Bobby prejde cez hlavu každému nepriateľovi, niekomu vývrtkou, inému vŕtačkou, proste čokoľvek je po ruke. Kam sa hrabe rusácky Seagal. Pri prvej konfrontácii som mal pocit, že s pasákom bude riadne finále, avšak ten bol len predjedlom. Pravá akcia začína nástupom fixera, ktorý je jeden z top villainov co som videl v danom žánri. Marton ovládol celý plac od nástupu až po pád. Miestami som v ňom videl Kevina Spaceyho 🤔 avšak keď príde na stret s Denzelom tak je z neho malý chlapček, sirotka z Ruska. Absolútne skvelá scéna v reštaurácii plus jedny okuliare. ()


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Pro mě zbytečně zdlouhavé, kdyby byl film o 45min kratší, vešlo by se do něj vše důležité a byl by i zajímavější.... Takhle jsem ztrácel pozornost a už mě vlastně ani nezajímalo, jak to všechno dopadne... ( i když to je průhledné už od začátku)... Nicméně akční scény byly povedené ()

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